Karen Andreola's books

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  • BlessedMommy

    Wonderful feedback as always.  I love this forum, it’s such a blessing.  🙂

    Well, I’m excited because, I really can’t afford The Original Homeschool Series and I just found the whole thing at my Library.  I know it’s A LOT of reading but it loks like there are a few copys in the system so I know I can always renew and re-check out as often as needed.  Part of me would love to have my own copy to underline in but, that’s okay.  I can just jot down notes.  Hopefuly I can keep myself from copying the entire book.  haha!  YAY for saving money!

    I’m hoping to save up for Laying Down the Rails, Laying Down the Rails for Children and Enjoying the Early Years in the near future.  If anyone wants to let go of their printed copy PLEASE let me know.  🙂


    Just to remind us all, too, that we change as grow as time goes on.  

    @Karen, a friend and I had this conversation just today. We agreed that all the various authors we’ve read have spoken to us at different places and times on our CM path because we are ever-changing and growing as we strive to learn and make changes both in our thoughts and actions.  =)



    In regard  to Karen’s comment about For the Children’s Sake,  I read that one (I should say skimmed that one) at the very beginning of our homeschool journey.  I found it informative but not too helpful.  At that time I suppose I wanted a “how-to” manual for CM homeschooling similar to Ruth Beechick’s The Three R’s.   I reread For the Children’s Sake sometime this past school year, and just kept saying “yes,”  “that’s it,”  and stuff like that the whole time!   A totally different perspective!

    I like Andreola’s A Charlotte Mason Companion, and like so many of you mentioned, it is refreshingly encouraging.  I like her genteel style.  It just makes me feel peaceful.  Karen Andreola’s blog is like that too. 


    I find the Pinecones and the Blackberry Inn books to be that way, too, Jennifer.

    They are not riveting fiction – I have no trouble setting them down to go do what needs to be done.  But I do like the way they give me ideas to think about without making me feel like I’ve failed my children!

    I find Levison’s books to not be quite as encouraging and I really think it’s because of the style of writing.  Honestly, I don’t like pictures of Victorian ladies or children or Victorian anything! ( So the pictures in Andreola’s A Charlotte Mason Companion just don’t do anything for me…..and Queen Homeschool Supplies’ pictures! UGh! I hate them!!!)

    Anyway, I picked up Levison’s books and enjoy that there’s no Victorian pictures, but sometimes I feel like I’m not measuring up when I read her books.  I still read them, a chapter at a time, occasionally throughout the year, and gain from them.  But Karen Andreola is a gifted “encourager”.

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