Just a number …

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  • Claire

    How many hours per day are you schooling using Charlotte Mason? 

    I know we are all doing it slightly different but I’m curious about this because I seem to remember Sonya giving some general guidelines on this topic at her conference.  Maybe she’ll respond here too.  I took away a feeling of quality not quantity but maybe that was just my impression.  I suppose this could be one of those questions that will also vary like “how do you home school” but I thought I’d ask.

    I’ll go first – ages 9 & 11- about 3/4 hours a day (minus outdoor and outside the family activities or their choice to work more on something)



    I have girls ages 4 and 7 and we do about 2 hours a day right now, not counting outside time and chores. Actual “book learnin’ ” is about 2 hours, sometimes a little more, but rarely more than 2.5 hours, spread out over the whole morning and early afternoon.

    Good question! It will be interesting to see all the different answers. Thanks for starting this, Claire.


    10YO DS – about 3 hours/day

    6YO DS – about an hour/day


    3rd grader: about 3 hrs./day

    6th grader: about 4-5 hrs./day

    This includes piano practice.  And they have free reading (book basket of ones I’ve selected) for 20-30 min. most nights before bed.   :)Gina


    Recently turned 10 year old/4th grade….about 3 hours a day (4 days a week).

    As I’m planning for next year, I’m expecting a jump to probably 4 1/2-5 hours (4 days a week).  I am determined to include more of my ideals next year that we don’t always get to this year (though I’m working on that even this year..LOL)…..so the time might not end up being as much as I think, but as I’m allocating things, that’s what it looks like.



    So I just added up the hours…..My 4th grader has about 4 hours, and my 1st grader has about 2 1/2 hours – most of which we do as family work….this is currently blowing my mind as we NEVER seem to finish until just before dinner!   Granted, we never seem to be able to start before 11, but still….we need to get better at starting earlier!


    sara p.

    We are late starters too! For my 1st and 3rd grader we start at 10:00, take a 45 min. break for lunch at noon, then back at it until 3. That doesn’t include piano practice. However, one at a time they each take 15 minute breaks here and there to help keep our 3 year old happy while I work with the other one. I tell myself every year we are going to start at 8:30 so we can be done shortly after lunch but it hasn’t happened yet.

    blue j

    My 11 yo – about 3 hours on a good day. This does not include violin practice or her personal reading time.

    My 15 & 17 yo – about 4 -5 hours this year. This does not include some of the personal reading time that each must do, nor does it include any self-guided “extras”.  For instance, 15 yo is learning German on her own. 

    Sara B.

    We go from 9 (give a few minutes or a half hour every so often) to 11:30am, then about 12:30/12:45pm (after the 2yo is sleeping) till 2 at the latest (usually not that long). So for 3 kids, ages almost 9, 7 1/2, and 5, it takes us about 4 hrs (5yo 3 of those). But we have a few extras thrown in there, as well. We also school 4 days a week.


    My children are 7,5,&4 . We spend about an hour doing family stuff, a half hour with my 5yo, and about an hour with my 7yo. All in all 2-1/2 – 3 hours. My children do a lot of stuff on their own like science kits, reading, and playing outside. We also school 4 days a week and Fridays are more for co-op, flex days, and fun stuff like videos, art projects, and field trips.



    i have a 5yo and 2nd grader.  We spend about 4.5 hours a day on school.  But this year we have included a lot more of CM ideals. This includes a 30 min recess break, handicraft, personal development (rotates days), chore training – daily, piano and right now we have added on another life skills training time to our school schedule – we are learning how to play quietly either together or alone for about 40 mins a day.   As far as our day goes we include all of these things as school right now because these are all aspects of training that CM talked about.  But if you cut it down to pure academics we only do about 2 hours a day.

    hope that helps



    I spend about 1.5 hours/day in the morning with my 6yo doing “formal” school work. That does include interuptions to pass new activities along to the preschooler and toddler. =) But it doesn’t include Bible (which we do together as a family with dh at breakfast and bedtime), reading practice (dd reading to me) or literature read alouds (these happen after lunch and at bedtime), nature walks/outside time, or handicrafts (which just sort of happen when they happen.) If you wanted to count the Bible and reading/lit times in with the other schoolwork, than maybe 2-2.5 hours, but that’s definetely not all in one chunk – those things are intentionally sprinkled out into other parts of our day in part to keep our formal school time short and in part because Bible and literature are things I like to keep going even when we are on a ‘school break’.



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