Junior Analytical Grammar

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  • bradstreet

    Wondering whether anyone has used JAG. We have been happily working our way through the basic Winston program and are considering JAG next for DS8 and DS10. The person who will be teaching our older son Latin recommends, but does not require, a familiarity with sentence diagramming.

    Any thoughts on JAG?

    Or, any thoughts on Junior Analytical Mechanics?

    BTW, thanks to those who replied to a similar post also inquiring about Easy Grammar!


    Good program, but I think it would be too much for most 8yo’s.  We did it in 5th gr. and it was just right.  If you’re only wanting a familiarity w/diagramming, maybe you could just give your 8yo a couple of the five sentences in ea. lesson and do some of the work orally, or something like that?  Just my thoughts:)  Blessings, Gina


    I agree that it would be too much for an 8yo.  I will be using it this year with my 5th and 6th graders doing it together.  I used it previously with my older two children and it went well.


    Too much for my 8yo (well, I don’t have an 8yo, but if I did, it would be too much) as I used it for an 11/12yo ds. It is/was a good fit for him, actually, we’re still using it.

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