Jr High Science ?


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  • baileymom

    I have a dd going into 7th. Would it be OK to hold off on Apologia one more year, and do the 5 General Apologias 8th – 12th grade? She’s not big “in to” science, and as it will only be our 2nd year homeschooling, I’d like to do science all together for 1 more year.

    …we used MFW’s science “Genesis for Kids” this year which is a very general overview of it all (creation). What would you do this coming year besides Nature Study? I was thinking Human Body stuff, as that is what MFW recommends.


    You might consider the Apologia Elementary Series. Even if they say elementary they can definitely be used and enjoyed by a 7th grader.

    Karen Smith

    Yes, it is okay to hold off doing Apologia another year. I assume when you mention the “5 General Apologias” that you are referring to general science, physical science, biology, chemistry, and physics. If that is the case, you can easily finish those five books in 8th-12th grade. I counted physical science for my non-science oriented kids as their first year of science for high school.

    BTW, don’t feel as if your daughter has to complete all the high school level books, either. For a child who really doesn’t need to study physics, for instance, it is okay for her to do her own study on a science subject which interests her. For example, my daughter has completed Apologia’s books through chemistry. She is not going to study physics because it really wouldn’t be a benefit to her and the more abstract concepts of physics would totally confuse her. However, I wanted her to have four years of high school science so she is doing her own in-depth study of insects (her choice). She researches books and Web sites for information, along with her own observations, then writes about what she finds. Simple but very effective, because she chose the topic, she is very motivated to do the work.

    I hope that helps you in your decision making for science for your daughter.



    That’s exactly what I meant by the “5 Generals”

    Thanks for your help, I think we are in the same “science boat” with our daughters, I do want her to take the science, but I don’t want to push her (or overload us in our 2nd year HSing), and I think those 5 (or maybe just the first 4) will be enough.




    Kathi, I’ve used God’s Design for Science books with good success for multi-level teaching. The last two books are especially well suited also for jr. high years (that would be the Chemistry and Physics series) but for a student not focusing on science, I think the other two series, including the biology which includes a Human Body book, would also be OK. I like them because they have good experiments, clear explanations, and biographies of scientists.

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