Intro: New Here & Need Help


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  • TexasRed

    Howdy! Been here soaking up all the great posts for quite a while, but this is the first month of our actually trying to implement the CM approach, and I have a couple of questions:


    I have the SCM guides for Bible/Geography/History and 106 Days of Creation… Am I supposed to be finding/scheduling extra living books IN ADDITION to the books already included in the guides’ materials lists? Or are their ‘required’ books all that I need? (My oldest is 1st grade, so we are starting Module 1.)


    Also, am I supposed to have a “spine” in addition to whatever is listed in the SCM history guide? I’m still not really even sure if I know what a spine is, and now I’m scared that I’ve left something really important out of my plan!


    Lastly, I would LOVE to find out if there are any CM (or specifically SCM) support groups here in the north Houston, Spring, and Woodlands area where we live…


    Many happy thanks in advance for your help! (And in case it hasn’t been said enough: This website is an absolute Godsend!!!)





    Hi Angela ~ We are going to be using Genesis Through Deuteronomy & Ancient Egypt, which is the History “spine” for Module 1.  I have read this from cover to cover and am so excited to start.  It really makes sense to me and is the first guide of four I have previously bought from other companies that has.

    We are planning on doing 106 DOC with most of the recommended books only one day a week over a couple of years since we are going to be doing Apologia Science at the same time.  I really don’t think you need any more living science books, but I’m all ears as to what others have to say.



    Thanks for the reply. I’m curious: why are you doing Apologia Science at the same time? Is that what I’m supposed to be doing? And I thought that a spine is more of a history textbook (like something used in a conventional classroom) that gives a broad overview of history… I must need more help than I thought!?



    Angela ~ it’s really simple.  We couldn’t decide which one to do first.Wink


    Apologia’s Young Explorer Series is written in narrative form, so it’s as close to CM as a text book can get.  They are actually recommended for Science along with 106 DOC.  Apologia’s Elementary Science courses are year-long immersion as compared to a general science like 106 DOC.  I think they would fit nicely together, just as a change of pace during the week.  I would like to do 106 DOC at least twice during elementary grades.

    G through D & Ancient Egypt Handbook isn’t a textbook.  It is a guide to help organize the living books you will be using.  It has daily lessons with Bible readings, activities, time periods to put into the book of centuries, and History readings.  I like to think of it as a recipe to show you how to put all the great ingredients together.  You don’t have to use the guidebooks, but the 106 DOC and G – D & AE are great resources to help put daily plans together.



    So, no I don’t need to add more books to the already recommended ones in the guides?


    Sorry to be so slow on the uptake here. And thanks for taking the time to respond!


    I just wanted to say I’m new too and your questions are helping me, so thanks for asking. 🙂


    I wouldn’t think you would need to add anything else.  I am very please with the choices and amount of reading involved, especially at this young age.  

    If anyone with more experience would like to add their opinion, that would be appreciated ….Smile


    Hi Angela, Im fairly new here to (a few months) and just starting the CM way (this month)so i wanted to see if i can help,,,,I have been using the SCM Guide Genesis-Deut & Anc Egypt for Module 1 and you dont need to add any spine or books, you only need the books that are listed (but you dont have to use those either they are suggestions of great books so you dont have to look all over for some)( thank you SCM!). Mod 1 i only see 1 ‘spine” and its for grades 4-6 listed on the curriculum guide page online here and in the Guide. Other people i have seen on here use “spines” so maybe they will answer too.

    The 106 Days of Creation I am using also (for about a month) and so far its great and you dont need to do other science with it unless you want too. We do nature study one day a week also (reading nature books and going outside). I hope this has helped,, blessings billiejo


    Whew! Thanks for the help! I do have to keep reminding myself that it’s just first grade. We read lots of books last year while only doing phonics and math. Our literature picks were Mr. Popper’s Penguins, Where the Red Fern Grows, Charlotte’s Web, Stuart Little, Peter Pan, Mrs. Piggle Wiggle, and Charlie & the Chocolate Factory, plus a slew of easy, cheesy picture books from the library to keep the littlest ones happy. We just started the Adventures of Paul Bunyan yesterday, and have a LONG list of books I’d like to finish before the end of our school year. I guess I am afraid we won’t read enough living books for science, history, etc. b/c I’ve so heavily loaded the literature. Any thoughts on that in particular? Should I be trying to stir in some living books for history, science, geography, etc?




    HI, do you mean stir in more living books than what is on the Mod 1 list already? They say that Mod 1 is the lightest reading load of the modules but I feel it already has enough because the CM method you linger over each book not read a ton of them,, so you get more from each book.(I know i have seen that said on here somewhere).

     I LOVE reading and i can read very quickly and its hard for me to slow down and “linger” on any book,, i wanted to read like how you watch a movie-all in 1 night not over days or weeks to see what happens LOL! Now i can see that when i “linger” i really “see” way more of the story (Maybe my brain is analyzing it by slowing down?)) and then i can mull it over and go back to it ,,and I ENJOY it more and can remember more details of each book when someone asks me about a specific book. I hope that helped, blessings billiejo


    It IS hard to read only a bit at a time! Especially when the story is so good the kids are begging for more. It is going to take some practice to slow our pace and commit to only 15 minute lessons. But knowing that all of you are doing it (and that it works!) helps me trust the method all the more.


    Back to one of my original questions: Any of you in the greater Houston area? (specifically North Houston/Spring?) I NEED A SUPPORT GROUP!


    Oh, Angela!  I hear you.  i would love to get together over coffee (or Coke) with someone and just talk!  I live near Waco, but there’s no one here I know of.  There’s a very nice lady about 30 minutes south of me (Olivia) but it would be so lovely to have a handful of ladies just to have a support group too!

    FYI:  The “spine” I referred to at the beginning of this thread was G thru D & AE.  I hope I didn’t confuse you more by my terms!


    Hello TX ladies!!! I am in the Dallas area though my heart longs for the Midwest. The hardest thing to remember as a newbie is that you dont have to do everything listed. All the books are extras though sometimes you will come across a book that is not even listed but you want to add it in . Go for it!! You have to do what works best for your family. There are so many wondeful books listed and so many more that are not even mentioned. So, take the spine choose some goods read out of the recommendations and when you come across a really good book that you just have to include even though Sonya didnt list it; GO FOR IT!!! (So how was that for a run-on sentence?!?!)

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