Inserting Divisions

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  • live2inspire

    Another ‘would be nice’: To be able to insert a division within the ones that are already entered. Right now, as far as I know, you can add divisions and edit a resource, but those division can only be added after the ones already entered. It would be nice to add one/some to fit anywhere, whether it be before the ones already entered, or anywhere in between. I have found myself (more than once) in a position to cut & paste many entries down, just to add something to the beginning (not a desired evening’s pass time – but better than entering everything all over again).

    Just another “stocking stuffer” idea. LOL 😉

    Sonya Shafer

    I think I see what you’re describing. Right now you can rearrange divisions by clicking and dragging their little gray “boxes” in the editing screen, but that doesn’t help with the division numbering that might need to be changed. Right?



    For example, there was a book I had hoped to get to during the summer, but we didn’t. I decided we would just schedule if for this school year, but the problem is I only entered the second half (when I entered the resource)that I initially only wanted to cover, but now I want to work on the entire book which would necessitate entries for the first half of the book. I want them to be in order because we are starting from the beginning. Right now, there are 70+ entries (with titles that took quite a bit to enter) for the resource and there should be an additional 30+ added and scheduled before the 72 that are in already. There’s no easy way ~ my only options are to drag(as you mentioned) one entry at a time, or cut and paste each individual line down after adding the extra divisions needed at the end.

    Another example is our History living books. I entered those I want to work on for the year, but later found two that I wanted to enter within those that already were listed. I just cut and pasted, but it was time consuming.

    Hopefully these examples help. 🙂

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