IEW vs. WriteShop1

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  • tiffgriffin

    I have a ds entering 7th grade next year.  We have done the written narrations for a year plus and I feel he needs more work with improving writing.  Has anyone used either of these and what are your thoughts?  Thank you


    I used Writeshop for a while, but didn’t like it so I sold it, I needed more hand holding than it offered.  We are using IEW right now and I like the program, because it’s working for my DC, it does not work for everyone


    We’ve been using WriteShop 1 this school year and I have seen great improvement in my children’s writing.  I bought it last year at a used curriculum sale for a really cheap price.  I thought if it didn’t work, I really didn’t loose anything by buying it.  Well it actually has worked very well.  Two of my children are using it this year.  Their ages are DS 14 and DD 13.  We have two more lessons in WriteShop 1 and then we’ll proceed on to the next book.

    One of the things I like about it is that it is incremental.  They don’t just learn something and use it one lesson then never use it again.  They keep building on what they learn each week.  We do a lesson for two weeks with a couple of days off during the two weeks.  They’re not just thrown out there to write something.  It guides them along.  There are three days of skillbuilders which focuses on the new concept.  Then they begin their writing assignment.  First they brainstorm, then do a sloppy copy, next is the first revision, then final revision.  There is a very helpful checklist in each lesson–one for the student and one for the teacher.  There is also copywork and dictation during the second week of a lesson. 

    There are sample lessons on their website at that may help you decide.  Hope this helps!






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