Ideal CM-inspired day for 7 and 10 year olds?

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    Dream with me — what is your “ideal” CM-inspired day for a family with a 7 year old and 10 year old?  I’m so excited to put even more CM wisdom into our days this year; I just need some help visualizing what that actually looks like!  I’ve been reading lots and lots, on here and in several books, and I’m still having a hard time letting go of the “schoolishness” I’ve always known.  Any help is appreciated!


    I don’t know that I have an “ideal” day in mind. Any day that is filled with love, peace, grace, and patience is a success in my book. Of course, if the children are obeying, focused, giving their best effort, and not complaining, that makes the day that much better. I guess a few things that would make our days more ideal would be more the removal of certain things that the addition of things. For example, some things I wish my children would not do on any given day:

    –ask why they have to dust their rooms this Thursday when they just dusted last Thursday

    –talk about and re-enact movies at the table (this is a HUGE pet peeve of mine!)

    –show selfishness toward each other

    –ask to watch a movie just because they’re too lazy to find something more productive to do

    BUT, when I consider that those are just normal childish behaviors and we don’t have any major issues like habitual disobedience or disrespect, then I see that we’re doing a pretty good job. Be careful about making your homeschool the romanticized picture we’ve all had in our heads at one time or another. That leads to comparison, which eventually leads to burn-out, feeling inadequate, and wanting to give up.

    Today, I’d say we’ve had an “ideal” day so far. Breakfast was enjoyed by everyone. In school, we had a wonderful picture study and map drill, both children gave excellent narrations of our Bible story, ds8’s creative writing was spectacular, and math was quiet and calm. Then both children did their afternoon chores (complete w/ ds asking why he had to dust today when he just dusted last Thursday!), we enjoyed lunch together, and now both are playing quietly in their rooms. Our afternoon could be the polar opposite of that–although I pray it’s not–but nothing amazing or special happened today. It was just a good, normal day. That’s ideal enough for me. Kiss


    I think my ideal CM day is when one of our studies “takes off”. You are reading along and one of the kids asks a question about something that catches their interest. Pretty soon everyone is researching and discussing, constructing notebook pages, drawing pictures, and narrating without prompting. I would also say in my ideal day would be an “aha!” connection where they connect an idea from that day with another book or idea from another day. The science of relations at work.

    These happen frequently, but not every day here. I would say my ideal CM day would include both a living idea and the relating of an idea to previous knowledge.


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