idea for handicraft/life skills

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  • April

    Hi ladies! Earlier this year, I ordered The Weekend Homesteader by Anna Hess. I looked through it then put it up on a shelf. Yesterday, I pulled it down and have been going through it, and I think it would be an excellent resource for handicrafts/life skills! It has one project/week and is organized by month. Each project takes about 1-4 hours, and she explains both the how and why of them. She lists the materials needed, estimated cost of supplies (as far as I can see most can be done for very little or nothing…but I just have been thumbing through so don’t quote me.). She also tells whether it’s kid friendly…again as far as I see pretty much all of them are….I’ve only stumbled across a few “maybes”. anyway, just thought it was worth mentioning. I’m including a pic of the TOC so you can get an idea of the kind of projects in it.





    This is wonderful. April! We homestead and are always trying to get our boys involved in real-life experiences. Many of tense can be done whether you homestead or not. Thanks for sharing!

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