I just read… (fill in the blank)


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  • Misty

    I thought maybe we could all just quickly jot down what we’ve just read.  The book, author, thoughts on it, why you read it, how you found it?  Just something for us!

    Finding Grace by Donna Vanliere – I found it just browsing through the library.  With my friendship issue in my heart the title struck me and I grabbed it.  I don’t know names at all and didn’t realize till 1/2 way through she is the book writer for The Christmas Shoes (which was a movie and very popular song).  The book really was what I needed.  She helped me see that grace is everywhere but are we willing to open our eyes and see it?  God is always with us, He loves us, He forgives faster than we know to ask, and He is so much more.  It’s an easy read which is good cause I get lost in tough deep books.  It is a true story based on her life, the ups and downs, the bad and the good.  That the path we plan is not always the one God has for us and are we willing to let him lead us?  Misty


    Parnassus on Wheels by Christopher Morley. A fun, light read of a book peddler. Just started on the sequel, The Haunted Bookshop. Gave me lots of good new material for my commonplace book and in conversations about the benefits of real, living books.


    Mama’s Bank Account by Kathryn Forbes.  It is the book that the movie “I remember Mama” was based on.  I really enjoyed it, and it reminded me of the book Papa’s Wife by Thyra Ferre Bjorn which I am trying to hunt down to read again.  It was also a really easy and fast read.  I finished it during a 2 hour nap time for my son when I was home alone with only the baby.  


    The Gregor the Overlander series by Suzanne Collins (author of the Hunger Games trilogy) – I read this 5 book series because my 13yo offered it last week when I needed a book to take along to Mason’s medical appointments.  Well, more than 30 hours of appointments later I finished off all 5 books.  I enjoyed the series! 

    Also rereading The Writer’s Jungle by Julie Bogart of Brave Writer.  Teacher development time!  I actually head to a 3 hour seminar with her tomorrow morning.  🙂 


    I just read Parnassus on Wheels, too .  I think Sage Parnassus mentioned it on her blog.  I thoroughly enjoyed it and just reserved the sequel from my library.

    Another book I just read was “Saving Amelie”  by Cathy Gohlke – it’s a book about WWII, an adopted daughter (of one of the German eugenics scientists) finds out about her real mother.  It was quite the page-turner.  An easy read, but dealing with some dark things that were going on during WWII. 

    I’m in the middle of “All Joy and No Fun”  a book about parenting, from a secular viewpoint.  I don’t agree with everything the author says; but it’s good food for thought.


    What It’s Like to be Married to Me and other dangerous questions. The girls in our small group are reading it together.


    Parnassus on Wheels sounds good. I’m going to see if my library has it.

    I’ve been rereading several books lately: David Copperfield, A Pocketful of Pinecones and Fascinating Womanhood.



    Pilgrim at Tinker Creek by Annie Dillard.

    It’s a rambling philosophical nature study of sorts that I’ve read for the second time. There is something about reading through it slowly and feeling and thinking along with the author that I really like.

    Also recently started The Man Who Knew Too Much by G.K. Chesterton. Jury is out on whether I like it or not yet.


    Catcher in the Rye

    The Last Meal at Whole Foods

    The Magic Barrel


    The Glass Castle

    Katrina in AK

    Boys Should Be Boys by Meg Meeker – great reminders of who boys are and what they need

    Deluge by Lisa T. Bergren – time travel romance to Medieval Italy …just for fun


    The Hidden Hand for the 4th time.

    The Chestry Oak

    Animal Farm


    @missceegee:  my dd LOVES The Hidden Hand.  She has probably read it about 4 times also!  My favorite Lamplighter Book is “That Printer of Udell’s”.  Wonderfully written and very convicting.  Former President Reagan says the book changed his life, or something similar.


    Author of the Hidden Hand?


    It was written in 1859 by E.D.E.N. Southworth.

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