Hymn Study


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  • Misty

    I will have to admit, I have not done this in the 2 years I’ve been using the CM method.  I believe I am scared!  Ok. there I have said it.  I have no idea what so ever how to do this. 

    How am I going to get them to enjoy Hymn study?  How do I start and what do I do?  Does it matter when picking matterial what religion you are a part of or not?  Can someone direct me in a start up for this and how to get my boys to learn anything from it,.

    Thanks as always for the help. Misty


    I just pick a few to learn during the year.  I like to use the book “Then Sings My Soul” for the stories behind the hymns.  At Christmas time we use a book called “Come Let Us Adore Him”.  We only do this once per week or so.





    We sing our hymn we are learning when we do our bible study and scipture verses. It is our worship time first thing in the morning before we start the day. I sing the first stanza and chorus through a couple times the first day. Then the next day sing it again 2x then have them join me. Once we know first stanza and chorus, we add the 2nd stanza. We sing the same hymn for 6 weeks, then start a new one. Every once in a while we go back and sing a previously sung hymn when we know the newest one to mix it up. 🙂

    My girls really enjoy. I enjoy it and it shows in my enthusiasm. 😉 We talk about how singing a hymn is worshipping the Lord so we do it for Him everyday (some days my girls wake up grumpy and I tell them to sing for the Lord even when we don’t feel like it and our hearts will follow).

    Don’t worry, I’m certain your children will enjoy this time of worship and the Lord will bless it! Start it with prayer.




    What about the fact I would be singing ALONE!  My boys (all are boys) will not sign with me?? Cry

    They don’t sing at church and I believe it’s cause there daddy don’t sing.  That isn’t my issue it’s the Lords to work in them. 

    So how do I get them to participate? Misty


    I guess I would just sing it alone and ENJOY! it.  Maybe it would be contagious.  You could leave out a word every once in a while to see if they would chime in.  You could also use the hymn verses for copywork.


    I use youtube all the time to find a version of the song I like to sing along too.  I’m about as tone deaf as they come, and can’t read a lick of music, so I rely on others to teach me how the songs go!  And I agree with Scherger 5 – the singing will be contagious, just encourage them to sing along and then if they want to great, if they don’t, their loss!  As you singing as a family becomes more routine, chances are they will break out of their shells and join in.  My oldest did.

    Sonya Shafer

    Another possible option would be to use a CD of hymns. I have a few that I play at bedtime for my youngest. It’s not as structured as an actual hymn study, but it is accomplishing the goal of making her familiar with the great hymns of the faith. (And not nearly so scary as singing alone. Wink )

    Depending on the age of your children, you could use the Color the Classics (www.colortheclassics.com). It is a colouring book of biographies and they have one just on several different hymn writers.

    We used this curriculum, so I am quite familiar with it: we would read the story together as a family and then the children would colour the page(s) independently. We would also listen to a hymn CD with songs written by the selected writer while the children were colouring. Our children greatly enjoyed it!

    Hope that helps!


    We sing along to hymns from this website – they have the words, info on the orgins of the song and also devotionals – my girls like it because it’s on the computer and it’s short.   http://www.songsandhymns.org/hymns/


    Are the hymns downloadable from the site or must they be listened to strictly on the computer?

    Beth Covalt

    We just began folding in hymn study last term, and I play different versions from youtube and CD’s during our down time throughout the week.   However, the kids really like when I find a more contemporary version after some exposure to the original tune.  For example, we are studying “Revive Us Again” in January.  We listened to several traditional versions, but I found that Big Daddy Weave has a fantastic version of the hymn.  I downloaded it from amazon, and the kids use my MP3 player to listen to it while working independently.   Have fun with it!  Believe it or not, the kids will get into it more than you think.


    Thank you for that website!!  It’s great!


    nerakr – you can download the mp3 files.  when you click on “listen” there is a tiny link that says “download…” in the lower right hand corner.


    Just want to pass on a related resource — http://albright-news.com/blog/bible/

    There are some free Hymn copywork/notebooking pages to print. Very nice.


    WOW you are all great.  I never imagined I’d get such a response.  So here is an easy one.

    I will listen and talk about a hymn.  But we have dial up and listening online is just not on option.  Does anyone have a CD they just really like?  Or one I could borrow from the library, suggestions?

    Also do you look up the information from the web or do you have a book?  Thanks Misty

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