HS Boy – Needs something to do??


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  • Misty

    My oldest is 16.  He is bright, helpful and willing to work.  Give him a job and no worries it will be done.  Need him to stay with the kids – done without complaints.  School, even when hard, given 100%.  BUT he’s going through some new growing pains of getting older.  He’s bored with things quickly.  We are a outdoor family and for the boys that means things like BB guns, pellet guns, tools (even power), pocket knifes, para-cord projects, etc.  They have them and use them freely.  Given a project and it will be done in record time – efficient is not a problem with this son.

    Here is the issue, he’s bored.  I need to find something to help him fill the void.  For a girl it seems like the options for low cost, keep moving along are endless – sewing, knitting, cross stitching, etc.  Can be done over and over and with little cost.  Before you ask, yes I’ve tried to get him to try any one of these things no luck. He works with his dad when dad needs him (installing carpet), he works for the farmer down the road but with winter that isn’t happening.  He likes to be busy and productive.  Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can try or suggest with my son.  I hate to see him so down, just trying to find something to do.  What’s a mom to do?  I might mention he WANTS something to do also, he’s NOT happy doing nothing.


    Maybe he can find something to build or repair or find a neighbor to help?  Keep praying and making suggestions until something interests him.

    We all get bored sometimes, and I am sure it will be comforting to him to know that you care and are trying to help.


    My oldest, who is 13, likes to work with tools.  Sometimes I pick up a few pallets for him (free from our hardware store) for him to build things.  There are lots of ideas/suggestions on Pinterest.

    Would something like that interest him?  Maybe he could build some things and sell a few of his creations?


    I was going to recommend him building something. Designing his own plans or following some (Ana white.com has great ones) do you need any new furniture? Something repainted or stained. Very handy stuff!


    My first thought was that he could use an apprentice like position really working with someone in the community. It sounds like having someone else challenge him might help too.



    Great ideas ladies, we decided to redo a bathroom into a rustic look.  He will be designing and building the vanity, mirror frame and a couple other little things to spruce it up.  Your thought and suggestions got us moving!  Thanks

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