How to buy a audio bible?

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  • Misty

    I am looking to buy an audio bible.  For the main reason I am not able to say a lot of the names in the bible and I feel that if I could play it to my family during history it would benefit us a million.

    How do I pick one?  Our church uses the NAS bible and that’s fine, but what I’m wondering is where can I get one with out paying an arm and a leg.  Also, I don’t want some monitone voice that I can’t stand listening to but wont get rid of cause I just paid 60 for it. 

    Can anyone give me some suggestions on how to buy this?  Thanks Misty


    well, I don’t know about buying one, but on they have it so you can listen to the bible for free.  It came in VERY handy at the hight of my morning sickness.


    Go to the home page and then type in which bible book and chapter you would like to listen too.  It will pop up in text form.  If you scroll down and look on the right hand side, you’ll see a little scroll thing that says “Listen to:” and then you can scroll down and pick which version you would like to listen to.


    We listen to the NLT version and love it!  It isn’t monotone at all!  It’s more like audio drama without straying from the word at all.



    You don’t have to spend any money at all on this. Go to and pick your translation and listen for free. There are 6 English translations, including the NAS, to choose from for audio listening.

    Bible Gateway is also a great site to compare translations when you’re unsure of the meaning of a passage. For reading purposes, I believe their translation list is exhaustive.

    Now, if you’re ever interested in dramatized versions of Bible stories for your kids to listen to, I recommend the Your Story Hour series. You can find these many places online, including eBay. My kids listen to these at bedtime or quiet time or in the car, etc.




    I have the dramatized NIV version put out by Faith Comes by Hearing.  It’s very well done.  I’m not sure where to get it now.  I got it a few years ago when the church we attended at the time placed a group order.  You might could google it if you were interested. 


    I truly appreciate the online bibles I have those book market BUT I “can NOT” use those.  We only have dial up and they will not load.  I have tried many sites and it just wont happen.  Also I’d like to be able to have it for days we are traveling in the car and could then still do our history.

    I listened to many at my parents who have high speed and they are great.  I wish I could but it’s not even an option here. 

    So more options would be great.  Also what’s the “dramatized” verses the (?) normal?  I want it to be the same as the bible but not ho hum.  If that makes sense.  Misty


    The dramatized version I have is word-for-word NIV but there are different voices and sound effects.  I don’t use NIV for reading or study but I enjoy it for listening…very easy to follow and the dramatization helps keep your attention, especially for the children.


    Also, would it be possible to burn the online versions onto CD at your parent’s home?  I’m NOT techie and have no idea.  I also don’t know if it would violate any copyright laws but maybe another possible option.



    Here is a word for word NAS for $15.99 on mp3 cd-rom – They also have it on regular cd for $49.99. More options here –

    Hopefully you will find what works for your family. If you have an iPod or mp3 player, you can put it on there, too. 




    You can get a free cd of the bible in mp3 format – I believe one cd comes with the KJV, NLT & NKJV – by writing or calling one of these:

    FireFighters For Christ #1
    4 Santa Maria
     Foothill Ranch, CA 92610

    FireFighters For Christ #2
    29 Rancho Circle
    Lake Forest, CA 92630

    We have downloaded the KJV and we love it.  Very nicely done.

    For those who can download it, here is a link:

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