How much time do you spend on highschool math?

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  • Missy OH

    We are using Saxon Alg. 1 w/ Saxon Teacher.  It takes my 8th grader 1-1/2 to 2 hours to complete everyday.  He loves math, but this is really making for a long day.  I only assign him half the problems.  I don’t remember math taking me this long when I was in school.  





    Saxon is known for long, long days.  🙂  I believe an appropriate time to spend on math in high school is 30-45 minutes.  That is what we spend.  We use a different program (MUS) but I really don’t pay attention to how much gets done (as long as I see signs of steady working!  Dawdling is a different matter) but rather the time period that I think they can maintain good attention.  Their minds need a little refreshing after 40 minutes of math–time to move on to sometlhing different. 


    Hi Missy,

    I too have been stumped by this. We’re using Saxon Alg 1/2 right now but mine too can take that long. Interestingly, this morning I came across a website There was a sample chapter from their book that you could download on the left side margin. It was about competing-healthy competition against self and others. So I just challenged my second born to finish his math in 40 minutes (he’ll get a reward if he makes it with a low error rate). He has 9 minutes left and only 3 problems left! He’s never gone this fast. I will let you know the error rate after I grade. Just a thought on how to speed him up.



    My son used Saxon algebra 1 as well.  He used the DIVE cd. He did all the problems for each lesson. Yes it took him approx. 1 1/2 hours each day.  Plus I would check his answers and we would correct the ones he got wrong.  The DIVE lessons were short — 10-20 minutes.  How long is the Saxon Teacher? ( We borrowed the Saxon Teacher from a friend but never listened to a lesson. My son did not like her voice. We just used it for solving problems we couldn’t figure out.) We tried to do 4 lessons a week but didn’t always accomplish that.  We took the tests every 10 lessons instead of every 5. As he got more proficient at the problems the time it took decreased just a bit.  I know in High school we had a 50 minute class plus the homework.  I really can’t remember how long my homework took me though. 




    Had to report back. My son got the lesson done in 35 minutes with only 1 wrong out of 31! He has never gone that fast or done that well.


    Missy OH

    Rebecca thank you!!  I told my son about your son’s challenge and you were right about the competiveness.  He is now trying to do his math in record time.  I will let you know how this goes.


    I agree that after 40 minutes or so your brain really does need a break.  I tried to split his lesson up in two parts a day, but that seemed to take even longer.  I only assign half the problems.  Saxon Teacher does take awhile longer than DIVE.  My sons prefer Teacher over DIVE, because they feel the explanations are better and line up with their book.


    We will see how this goes.  Maybe I should just set a time limit.  He can finish his lesson the next day and start a new one, and just keep working around like that.  I could see only getting about half a book done like that…..I guess we could do math all year and not take a break from it in the summer??  I really don’t like doing much school in the summer though. 




    Missy OH

    Unfortunately, it didn’t go well.



    I’m sorry! I was so hopeful it would work well for your son too.

    What happened for it not to go well? 


    Missy OH

    He got several problems wrong.   I also was hoping this would be the answer, but I guess he needs to go slower.  I guess it wouldn’t be a big deal if it took longer to finish a book a year.  I was thinking about giving him even fewer problems, but I see he still really needs the extra review.  I wish Saxon had supplemental practices in the upper levels like the lower books.  It was nice when we would get stuck on a lesson to have a page of problems to work on instead of just a few.  My dh really likes Saxon so I’m not for sure if he would want to change.  We used Singapore until 6th grade and then switched to Saxon.  Is Teaching Textbooks any better??  or Video Text??






    Just thought i would jump in here-We have tried several algebra programs-TT, Saxon, Kinetic Algebra.  And we had the same problem of the long math lessons.  While i think math is VERY important, i also think other subjects are as well-for my duaghter, after 1 1/2 math lessons, she had very little energy/time/motivation to do any other longer lessons in other subjects, like writing, science, and literatuare, not to mention the other “fun” things.  We are currently using Vidoetext Algebra and it seems to be working both in understanding and the time element.  Most lessons are now 35-40 minutes long-a short 10 minute lecture and then the problems.  I realize that there is not as much review but so far she has been getting A’s on the quizzes and tests.  I guess it also depends on the bent of the child-she will not most likely pursue a degree which requires lots ofmath so i am fine with where we are at.


    Missy OH


    I have just spent TWO hours going over the Videotext website!  The way you described your daughter is how I would describe my son after spending so much time on math.  He loves math and plans to go into an egineering field as an adult.  I will be having my dh go over it when he has time.  My ds is very interested in it.  Thanks for sharing your experiences. 


    Until I decide how to continue with math, I believe I will have them work 45 minutes and stop.  All will be fine if he finishes Alg. in 9th grade instead of 8th.




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