how many days in a year?

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  • pangit

    The obvious is 365!! =)

    But I was referring to your school year.  Does everyone do the standard 180?

    I’ve kinda figured the times I want to do school and I’m only getting 165 days.  Does the other 15 days matter?  I guess math is my bigger concern of finishing.  I would like to complete the book and not have 2-3 weeks left of a book to start the next year.

    I’ve thought of doing year round with a month off after every 3 months, but the months that I need off to fit our life don’t work that way.  Plus with all of our gardening and canning and freezing and such it is really nice to have the summer off to get it all done.



    Part of this might be your state requirements.  If your state has no requirements, then it is up to you.  We PLAN on three twelve-week terms, knowing that there will be days we miss and things that come up.  That works for us, and our state only requires 148 days of instruction. 


    TN requires 180.  Check your state requirements and go from there.  Even if you “only” have 165 of “bookwork,”  you probably have another 15 built in somewhere of real-life learning.  Canning/freezing counts for home ec in my book.  Smile


    I do not know how many days we do but this is how I schedule.  We go with my oldest daughter’s school year as she is in a Christian school due to her special needs.  I then take her first week back to school off our calender so we can do some fun stuff that is hard for her (see a movie in the theater, go to the beach) and a week off in May (happens to be this week) for a local cultural festival.  Then I just take my math book, count the number of lessons we need to do in the year and divide those among the number of days we have to do them.  Some weeks we do 3 days of math, some weeks 4 or 5.  If you figure it will take you 165 days to get all your work in, then as Robin suggested, I would count days you spend canning, gardening, vacationing at some place with learning value, etc and count those as well.  You will probably end up with far more than 180!


    Where do you live?  Judging by your questionI would guess that you live in a non-reporting state.   We live in Texas (no restrictions) so I don’t count our days.  I would imagine however that even with taking breaks and the like you probably do just as much, or more, as the public schools around you.  Why are you asking, what is your primary concern?


    I thought I was “behind” because we hadn’t covered Bible, Storytime, and Math for 180 days. But because of this post, I went back and counted the days that we did at least one thing, and as of the end of April we were at 187 days since July 2009! No wonder ds and I need a break! LOL! I guess I won’t do any planning (except for 1st grade) and let learning happen as it happens for the next 2.5 weeks, then start Grade 1 on June 1.

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