How many children do you have?/Is that how many you imagined having?

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  • I’m bored and thought this would be an interesting question. 

    I have 7 kids, another on the way. Only 6 live at home with us, my oldest is 19 and on his own. 

    I have a 12 yo girl, 10 yo boy, 8 yo boy, 5 yo girl, 5 yo boy, and a 1yo girl all at home.

    We never imagined having this many children, and actually we thought we were done with #7 but it turns out we weren’t, LOL. We really think we’ll be done with #8 though, but who knows? 

    Anyways, how about you?

    I just have twin daughters who are just 19 now – due to illness we have had to extend our high school years as so much has been missed with hospitals and things, plus Hurricane Katrina and losing our home meant adding another year to school. 

    Unfortunately I had a placental abruption with the premature birth of our girls at 27 weeks.  My uterus was so damaged we have been unable to have more children.  One of my daughters has left sided hemiplegia but has done very well and apart from a weaker left side has had no real problems – and academically has done extremely well.  As I married late in life I may not have had many more children anyway, but who knows – I think God knows and I think I have what he wanted us to have.  Large families, small families and even no families, life is one huge blessing.  Linda

    Sara B.

    We have 4 now.  When we first got married, we said that’s what we wanted.  While pg with #3, we starting thinking 6 would be better, and I am always ready for another.  😉  I have to wait on hubby, however.  Undecided  Not always easy.  As he is fond of saying, I’d have 20 more if I could…  😛


    We have 7 kids.  When my dh and I met he wanted no more than 2 and I said I’d settle for 4, but made it clear I always wanted a dozen or atleast the Brady Bunch!

    Now when people ask if we’re done.. well we just don’t know.  We don’t know any more how many we’ll have, my dh says he’s getting old (36 LOL) but I just figure the Lord will know when we’re done! 


    That’s funny, Misty! About your dh being too old for more babies! I was 37 before I even had my first! That said, I have two and have had one miscarriage. After the miscarriage (between the two I have), we decided to try one more time. I had dd when I was 40. We haven’t had any since, and probably won’t unless God has a strange sense of humor, as I may be in the early stages of menopause.

    Nerakr, I was 39 when I had the girls, I got married when I was 38 and the doctors said I was too old – ha! Got pregnant with the girls on the first attempt, so that put the doctor in his place – only God knows these things.  Linda



    I have 3 adult step-kids…  ages 26, 25, and 20. (we did have custody when I married their dad…)  and 2 grandkids, ages 7 and 18mo.

    We also have 4 kids, ages 7, 5, 2.5, and 7mo.   I was 35 when my oldest was born.

    My husband will be 50 very soon, and after 7 kids, he figures he is “done”.   I had a very hard pregnancy with my last, so we are probably done. 

    As for how many I pictured… I knew I wanted a few at least, but never really pictured a specific number because I figured my husband would have an opinion, and that it was really up to Heavenly Father anyway.


    I have two boys – 6 and 3. My hubby is 51, so we are done. Which is fine by me. Though I think if we had met when we were younger I might have liked a larger family, maybe 4. How many did I think I’d have? Well, I think that I was losing hope of ever having my own family (I was 30 when I met dh). So I didn’t get too specific :). I am a little surprised that so many of you are “older” moms (no offence intended, I think of myself as an older mom). Makes me feel a little more normal – ha!


    I have 2 beautiful DD ages 7 and 5.  I always imagined having 3 or 4 kids.  DH and I planned to adopt after the girls were born.  We wanted to give a home and a family and love to a child that is already out there needing it.  But that has not yet happened and I am beginning to realize that it probably never will.  That makes me sad.  I never wanted a large space between kids and often think that we should have a little 2 or 3 yo running around also.  2 years ago we came close to adopting another little girl but her mother chose to keep her.  God knows best and if He really wants us to have a larger family, He will have to make it happen.


    Well, at first when I married I did not really plan on having any.  God changed my heart on that, so then I thought 6 would be fun–all the large families I know have such a fun dynamic.  But it took us some years to end up with the three we have now, and I’m, um, mid-40’s and probably no more.  We’ve tried adopting but something has happened every time, finally decided maybe we weren’t intended to do that either.  So three it seems to be.  I’m hoping for lots of grands.  🙂


    We are very blessed grateful to have our two.  We weren’t supposed to be able to have any.  I’ve had miscarriages and we had our community and Church praying for four years, then we had our oldest.  I will be 40 in April (wow!) and I think that’s all.  I am hoping and praying for lots of grands as well!  Smile


    What a fun thread, kidneybeans! We always knew we wanted at least 2. However, we’ve been blessed with 3 healthy boys. There’s quite an age gap in our dc 15, 10 & 3. We’d like to have more but I’m almost 40 & with some health issues, not sure if my body can handle it. Therefore, DH & I are prayerfully considering adoption…we’ll see. Its great to hear everyones replies!


    Well, I wasn’t going to get married and did not necessarily want children.  Long story short, I didn’t believe a man existed that could be trusted or love me the way my husband does.  Well, as soon as I laid eyes on him (the very first time, literally), God revealed to me the life I was to have with this young man.  We were engaged 2 weeks after we actually spoke to one another (about 6 weeks after I saw him and was wondering how I was to persue the person God told me I’d marry) and were married exactly one year later.  We would’ve married then, but I wanted the dress, photos, honeymoon, etc.  We had many, many difficulties with conception, miscarriages, deliveries, etc., but we kept trying (so very difficult to even talk about to this day), well, my hubby wanted to keep trying…I wanted to just give up and die.  Oh, brother, what a downer…:)LOL.

    We have been very blessed with 3 boys.  We/I didn’t believe we’d have any, let alone, 3.  So, we are done.  Husband says if we had been able to have some earlier he may have liked to have had 1-2 more.  But, that is just not going to happen unless God really, really means for us to have anymore:)

    Oh, and my mom had only 3 children and has 13 grandchildren… those of us who seem to have smaller families may end up with lots of blessings down the road:)



    Eight so far.  Boys:12,2,1.  Girls:11,9,7,6,4. One miscarriage between the 4yo and 2yo.

    When I was younger, I did’t think I would even get married, let alone have children.  My parents unfortunately have a very poor marriage, and I couldn’t picture wanting that.

    God has intervened to show me the gift that marriage and family are – praise Him!


    I will be 42 next month(wow) and would love to have another! We have two boys 6 and 8. I have a few health issues as well. So being older with health problems puts us in having no more. I have longed for another for 3 yrs now! Sigh! I don’t know why I have such a longing that is deep within me. We have talked about adoption, but with my health it is all I can do some days to take care of me and everyone else!

    Why do I have this longing for another?…I ask God. In His time He will reveal it to me, I am sure! Blessings to all of you and your families whether it be big or small 🙂

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