I know what you mean. My soon-to-be 8yo (and 11yo) is doing Mod. 5 for history and then there is the literature modules/geography/composers/art and so on. I believe the history mod. has 19 for his age, but…we are on book 10 right now and we started in Feb. sometime. We were going to start in the fall since we’d be converting over to CM all next year, but I figured why wait, right? And, it’s a good thing. His book list is no problem it’s my 11yo’s that scares me. He has become an avid reader, but some of those books are still above his leve of understandingl. I’ll be reading most and trying to assign what I can and using some as read-alouds:) We’ll see.
I do know that it can seem overwhelming and/or so time consuming that you wonder how can we possibly fit it all in, but I figure that we probably won’t anyway so we’ll have to make some hard choices some where. I also figure that if my kids were in ps that they wouldn’t have been exposed to even half of the books they’re exposed to now, nor would they have had the time to read them. Whatever we get through this year will be better than what they would’ve read in ps, plus we’re reading through the summer to get a much needed head start:)
I am learning to pray over the matter as well. I don’t want to live so stressed out from comparing my kids’ education to others that I make it miserable for them and myself. Once in awhile I get panicky over the situation and need some prayer time to calm my nerves. And He is always faithful to do so.
And, I agree, the people on this site are the best at encouraging others:)