Home Management

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  • my3boys

    I wanted to add that your list can have personalized “questions” that are reminders to you and your life…I’m sure that’s obvious to all of you, but I just wanted to point out that any “program” that’s worthy of being used needs to leave room for individuality and for me the flylady does allow for that:)


    I have been using Motivated Moms for 3 years and it has changed my life.  I have tried different formats and I like the full page without Bible. (I have a seperate Bible reading list.) I love that I can add extra chores to the bottom of the list that pertain to my family.  Some of the chores listed, my children typically do, so I just write their initials next to that chore.  It has helped me keep my house organized.  I just do a little each day so there is no area of the house that is so overwhelming that I can’t clean it -or (more likely) not clean it at all 🙂

    So, when it says something like “De-clutter bookcase” I just work on one bookcase for a set amount of time.  I don’t worry about getting each bookcase finished, because I know it will be scheduled later, and there is a generic “pick one clutter spot and work for 30 minutes” chore that can be used to finish up de-cluttering projects.


    Anyway, I LOVE LOVE LOVE MM 🙂  I am even an affiliate on my blog because it has changed my life so much.  I had tried Fly Lady, and that helped me to declutter, but MM has helped me maintain my home more, I am not sure why it works better for me than Fly Lady. I print the MM and put it into my control journal.



    ok, I have been persuaded to buy the Motivated Moms PDF (thanks ladies!).  I have only been doing it for 2 days, but so far it is amazing how much better I feel about things!  One of the things to do today was clean out my purse. Then I went to Costco today, it was so nice to know right where my Costco Card was!!

    Plus, it just helps me to have a more focused mindset on what I need to get done today and to get it done.  We actually got done with school today before lunch!

    It sure helps get things done when you know WHAT to do.  I showed my mom this and we are going to do it together, to keep eachother accountable.  And it’s more fun, too 🙂


    I visited a blog a while back and the woman uses (or used to use motivated moms).  What she did with her full size chore planner page was to put it in an 8×10 frame on her counter next to her sink.  You can check things off with a vis-a-vis or a dry erase marker and you only need to change the list out once a week.  I just thought it was a nice touch.  I am going to do that with mine.  If it’s in a notebook or binder it gets moved all over the house or sometimes goes for days without being opened.

    Here’s the link if you want to see it.  




    For those of you MM users, thanks for sharing your experience. It does look like it can be personalized and tweaked if need be. I love the idea of the picture frame. I think I’ll take that $4 plunge Wink

    BTW, Tracy, I enjoyed reading Ann Voscamps (author of a Childs Geography) blog. It was a joy – thanks for sharing.

    May the Lord teach us to number our days. Have a beautiful day, Ladies!


    Wow! What a lot of good ideas ladies! Thank you so much!  I am looking forward to reading more!!


    Just wanted to mention that the MM planner just dropped to $2 for anyone wanting to check it out. 





    I just wanted to put a thanks out for the Motivated Moms recommendation.  I started trying it and I really like it so far!  Of course, I have written in a few changes, and I’m already behind on a few things (kids tend to change your best laid plans, do they not?) but I like having a plan in hand.  It seems to help with that overwhelmed feeling you get when you notice that EVERYTHING needs to be done and you don’t know where to start. 

    Thanks again!

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