Hollings books

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  • Cindie2dds

    I have the BF guide for the Hollings books and was wondering if they would go well with a specific module or do you thing it matters?

    Rachel White

    I think they can be done anytime as long as your children are old enough. However, if I were to pick a preference and one that makes the most sense when I think about it, I’d say do it with Mod. 5 and/or 6 since the locations are in America, so that would be consistant.

    I’m going to use them next year, w/a 10 and 11 yr. old. as we continue through the 19th Cen. (I don’t do the Mod., but Truthquest).



    Oh, 10 & 11.  I will look at the PDF file again. I might need to wait.  I was going to use it for 2nd & K, but that might be a little young, thanks.

    Rachel White

    I don’t think you have to wait till yours are as old as mine (they’re on the old side), I didn’t decide to use them until last year when I came across a used Paddle…. The Hollings’ books are recommended at AO for grades 1(Paddle to the Sea) and 2, and 4 (Minn of the Mississippi) and Beautiful Feet recommends 3-6th. I think your K child would glean more from them if you waited till next year or so wihtout any lose to your older child.

    HTH, Rachel


    My children LOVE these books..and so do I! 🙂  Mine are 6 and 8! The 6yr old just turned 6 in November and he can be a little bit restless sometimes with listening…not with these he loves them! We really enjoy them. Right now we are on Tree in the Trail. They know that there are other books and are anxious to read those too. So I think using them for your younger ones is fine! Just read 1 pg at a time. And then discuss. We will definately be revisting these over the years!

    We are doing American History now. With Tree in the Trail it goes well except we are not in that era yet. When we read Paddle to the Sea we were not studying anything paticular that went along with it. But it is a great intro to the Great Lakes, Canada, and the upper states! My kids see the lakes and know-hey there is the one that looks like a wolf head, a squash, a hunter etc.. It really helped them see and learn about this area.

    Hope you have as much fun as we do!


    We LOVE Holling books – especially fond of Paddle to the Sea since we live in MI and near the Great Lakes! Laughing 

    I, too, was going to suggest reading these during your study of American History. Enjoy!!


    Good to know, ladies.  I’m patiently waiting for Module 5 to come out for the fall.  Wink  (No pressure, Sonya)  We’re doing something else in the meantime.  I think waiting until then, or even with Module 6, which might actually be a better fit with the time period, would be the best.  Glad to know how much you all have enjoyed them!


    Chiming in to say my kids (and I) love the Holling books, too. I think your 2ndgrader is a good age for them, and your K will enjoy listening too – and then reading again later. We’ve read all the books a couple of times around here. Enjoy!


    I read Tree in the Trail to my 11yo awhile back (we weren’t using it for history, just for fun) and he could not get enough.  I think I have Paddle to the Sea and plan to use that asap.  I have a 5yo, as well, and I would read just one page at time with him and I think he would pay attention, but he’s a restless child, so I’d probably let him play quietly with something or draw. 

    These books are wonderful.  


    I was going to ask…isn’t there a ‘study guide’ of sorts that go with one or more of these books??  Just curious.  TIA.


    Beautiful Feet’s Geography Through Literature uses the Holling Books.


    Ooooh, thank you:)


    That’s the PDF file I was talking about. I should have been more specific. I bought it last week to go with the Hollings books. I really like it, but I don’t want to rush my girls.

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