History Question

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  • Julie

    I wanted to ask if I’m understanding the History modules correctly. This may get long!! Laughing

    If you start module 1 in 1st grade with Genesis—Deuteronomy; Ancient Egypt, then do you move to module 2 Joshua—Malachi; Ancient Greece in 2nd grade, then to module 3 Matthew—Acts; Ancient Rome for 3rd grade, etc until 6th, then start over in module 1 in 7th grade at the 7th grade level? I really hope this makes sense….Undecided

    Thanks for the help,



    Ideally, yes, that is how it is suppose to work. However, we are finishing up Genesis-Deut. right now in 2nd and 3rd grades. We will then move to module 2 by about January.

    You could really begin where you want to because there are books listed for every grade under each module.

    Does that make sense? I hope so 😉



    Yes, Thanks Amanda….the other thing I’m not sure about are the books….Do you need to purchase the books for module 1, 1st grade, then books for module 2, 2nd grade, etc or can you just pick the books that you want to use? I’m looking to start history next fall. I know that’s far off, but I’m a planner plus if I need to purchase the books. I need to plan…Laughing

    Thanks again,



    You can either purchase them or get them from your library. If you will first go to the curriculum guide and choose History. Then choose which module you want to look at, and click on each book reccomended for the grade you need it will give you a choice of looking it up at your library or looking for it on Amazon.com. Some of the books are used all year and will possibly need to be purchased. But some of them are read in a shorter amount of time and can be checked out at the library. For example: I bought the Gen.-Deut. study guide from SCM, Seeker of Knowledge, Boy of the Pyramids, and The Uncommon Traveler. Others we got from the library. And I added a few that our library had too.

    Hope that helps 🙂



    THANKS Amanda….this has helped A LOT….I’m going to start my search for the books Laughing


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