History overview question

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  • Tovi

    I will have a 10th grader this fall and we have done history consistently over the years…..he knows so much already…..I was wanting to just do a broad sweep of world history in one year…..just to fill in any loose spots.  My questions is how would I do that using SCM methods/curriculum, or do I just need to use a different source.  I have looked at Short Lessons in World History and thought of maybe using that, but I really like the SCM way too.  Any ideas?  Thanks, Tovi


    You might be able to do it by just using the spine sources (I haven’t checked out how heavy the load would be…but that’s what I’d try) suggested for your history “class”and fill it out by selecting your “literature” for the year by giving him a list of all (or some) of the other books included in the program for him to choose.  I’ve done something similar this year and it has worked very well.  He naturally wants to read about what he knows least about.  Hmmm… I hope that makes sense.

    And if that still looks like too heavy a load to do all the spines, I would divide the calendar for the year into studies of an “era” and just work on those years for however long you decided, then move on to the next, whether you’re “done” or not.  Just my thoughts!  I might actually be doing about this same thing next year and have also been considering how best to do it!


    I’d do a review sweep like this with the Veritas Press Timeline Cards and just dive into researching the events that were never covered well.


    He might also create a Book of Centuries along with this type of sweep if he’s never done so.

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