History 1 with Just eBooks?


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  • Author
  • Kathleen Marie

    Is anyone doing History with just eBooks?

    Have you found any of the suggested books in eBook format in out of the way places?

    I found the Truth About Noah’s Ark at iBooks for $2.99.

    The publisher has a free online version of Unwrapping the Pharaohs.

    My library has a free overdrive copy of Pharaohs of Ancient Eqypt.

    Any eBook copies I see of Then and Now maps have very bad reviews saying that they just direct the user to the publisher where they have to pay again, and the publisher version only prints 1-3 times, and I fear will malfuntion.

    The geography books are big and heavy and expensive. I’m not sure what I want to substitute.

    There are no eBook versions of Adam and His Kin, right?

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