Higher up further in blog?


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  • missceegee

    I have all of the high school stuff from HUFI. She took the smorgasbord from AO, thinned it and offered the best. She also had reviews of why she chose certain books over others. All in all, HUFI curriculum was a treasure. It’s a shame how the AO advisory handled the situation. Whatever remains at CMH and HUFI will still be treasured, but I will miss Lindafay’s warm and inspiring posts and her wisdom.

    Everyone at AO was super polite and professional, in my opinion. I will miss the HUFI blog.

    Alicia Hart

    I am confused – why would AO care if someone else was using parts of their curriculum and sharing that with others?


    Missceegee is it possible to get a copy of the high school files or is that against the rules?

    Doug Smith

    I am confused – why would AO care if someone else was using parts of their curriculum and sharing that with others?

    AO holds the copyright on their curriculum plans and book lists. They allow you modify them for your own personal use but ask that they not be distributed otherwise.

    Missceegee is it possible to get a copy of the high school files or is that against the rules?

    We at SCM have always tried to honor AO’s wishes and rights, so we would prefer that the forum not be used to do otherwise. Thanks for your understanding.

    Sara Murray

    Is the issue with AO why she stopped blogging?  Or is there another reason??

    Alicia Hart

    Thanks Doug- that clears things up a little….maybe that was posted earlier and I missed it.

    Doug Smith

    Is the issue with AO why she stopped blogging?  Or is there another reason??

    I think it’s best to let Linda speak for herself, if she chooses to. We don’t know her reasons so let’s not speculate since that can start all sorts of problems. 


    I would be SO grateful if someone would be able to supply me with the HUFI curriculum for the upper years?? I’ve seen on these threads that some have it saved? Would you be willing to email it to me somehow?


    I saved it on a previous computer that died, but still have access to the egroup…the files don’t seem to be there anymore, unless I’m doing something wrong and the occasional email that was sent out just to keep it going for prior members hasn’t been sent since April.

    I’d like to the files again, too, if possible. Thanks.


    I would like to see the high school plans too.


    I have the high school booklists and book reviews saved on my computer.  Email me at tarinya 2 at yahoo dot com (no spaces) if you want copies.  I have a baby due very soon so if you email and don’t get a reply, try again in a week or so.

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