Higher up further in blog?


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  • Does anyone know why she’s saying goodbye on her blog???


    Have her kids pretty much graduated?


    I know she was having some problems with the AO Advisory – she may have just decided not to really do anymore blogging or work on her site because of it – but that is PURE SPECULATION.


    I’m not on any of her forums – maybe she said more there?


    She has other commitments at the time was her comment but archives will remain open.

    Sigh… I hope she comes back.


    I’m just thankful that the archives and files are still available. I know that when responsibilities at home mean that I need to eliminate other things, it’s hard to do, but necessary for me to be able to take care of our family. I’m praying that Lindafay will be blessed in and through her other commitments. So many of us have learned from her and are now able to share what we’ve learned with others in our own ways. If she goes back to blogging, I will read her posts. If not, I’m sure she will be a blessing in her other pursuits.

    Jackie Betancourt

    Hi everyone, who are y’all discussing? Just making sure I didn’t miss anything important. Thanks!

    Blessings, Jackie in TN


    Looks fishy to me….the high school info is all gone.

    Jackie, it is Lindafay from Charlotte Mason Help. She has a lot of helpful info on her site if you have never checked it out.

    Sara Murray

    I just saw this too today that she’s saying goodbye!  I’m so sad, I just found her blog like last week and was thinking how great it looks. 🙁

    Does anyone know of any other great CM blogs??


    The high school stuff is gone because AO advisory complained.


    🙁 this is sad.


    7th-12th was taken down a short time ago. 🙁


    What a wealth of information and encouragement she has been! What a blessing to have read her posts… I, too, hope she keeps her blog open for us to return to like a great resource or valued mentor…

    Are HUFI and AO that similar?? Anybody wanna do a compare/contrast for me? It seems like she’s doing an entirely different history timeline.


    The highschool years, I understand, were quite similar…. which is why that is what was taken off HUFI.

    Okay. I’m coming in much too late to understand all of this. I wish I could have all the different curriculums spread out in front of me so I could actually see and touch them..

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