High School MUS Question

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  • Shawnab

    For those of you who have used MUS through the highschool years, would you mind offering any feedback on your experiences? I know that many encourage the use of Teaching Textbooks and Jacobs Algebra/Geometry. But the idea of giving my son a big, fat book, and asking him to teach himself algebra, just seems so….blech. 

    My soon-to-be 11 year old is very, very math savvy. Always has been. We basically have used no math curriculum at all with him until this year when he took a very traditional pre-algebra course in a small group class. He is blazing through it. 

    However, we will not be enrolling him in the algebra small group class next year with a bunch of high schoolers. No way. He loves math, and could probably handle one of the big-thick-texts…but, I want to KEEP him loving math. I use MUS with my younger kids, and we love Steve Demme’s manner and presentation. 

    I have heard little about his higher math series though, and would value any experiences you would share! 




    Hi, Shawna.  We recently discussed this.  Here is a link:




    That is perfect! Thank you so much for the link!!


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