High School Level Science

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    My 16yr. finds Apologia Science very boring!  Right now he is just doing the Physical Science.  He likes to do more experiments and not so much reading.  He’s more of a visual learner.  Can anybody recommend any other science for the high school level.  I hope my son goes to college someday, but who knows?  I know he won’t be going into any science fields!




    While I have kids no where near HS age, Apologia didn’t fit with our family either.  We are going to go with Answers in Genisis’ science curriculum.  You can look at them, maybe they would fit better with your son.


    My son feels the same way about Apologia Science.  He also doesn’t enjoy all the reading, but loves doing experiments.  We started using Rainbow Science this year and he loves it.  There is two days of reading, just a few pages with some questions, and the third day is an experiment.  I have recomended this to some families in our co-op and they seem to really like it also.  You can check it out at http://www.beginningpublishing.com .  We were able to find the books used and also found a lab kit used.  Cathy Duffy has a review on this in her book.  Hope this helps.



    We don’t like Apologia here either. My son is in 8th grade and we use Bob Jones Science (just started this year with BJ) and will continue to do so through the high school years. I apply the CM method for Science all through elementary and some middle school but I wanted the children to have a more complete science program for high school. It’s also a good way to introduce textbooks for when they get into college.  My son is not into science but even he can tolerate Bob Jones Science. We plan on using the dvd’s for this class next year. Good luck with whatever you decide.


    I forgot to mention that my son doing the Rainbow Science is in 8th grade, they have levels for high school and are working on Elementary curriculum.



    We gave up Apologia for Landmark Freedom Baptist Curriculum.  http://www.landmarklfbc.com/  We added books and dissection to it.  I’m sure it’s not quite as much of a college prep course but my dd was learning.  What I like is that it had the element of written narrations (I use that loosely) built in.  It worked well for us.

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