High School History

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  • amcampbell4

    Hi Ladies, this is my first post, but I have been “hanging out” here for over a year. This is by far the best forum for homeschooling on the internet, IMHO 🙂

    My question is about what to do for history next year for my ds 9th grade and ds 7th grade. We completed Mystery of History Volume 1 (ancients to Christ) this year, with additional read alouds, and it went very well. However, my older son, especially, really wants to learn American History next year. I am wondering if it would be too much (and confusing) to try to do SCM Module 5 (or its equivalent) along with MOH vol. 2. Is that just crazy? Should I pick one or the other? Just as background, my kids have only had one year of actual American history so far, and it was very condensed. We just kind of pick things up as holidays come up, etc. I know this sounds bad! I’m looking forward to your wise and constructive comments!



    Hmmm….that’s a tough one!  I think it would depend on how important it was for me to keep my kids in the same time period. I really like to do that, so personally I would pick a time period and move ahead chronologically from there, trying to cover each era before graduation (whichever period that may be).   It would be confusing to me to cover two time periods in the same year….and I think far too easy to overload the schedule if I were trying to do justice to each period. Just my .02…only you can figure what’s best for your family:)  Blessings, Gina


    Personally, I would pick one or the other. If his interest is in American right now, I don’t see a problem with doing Module 5, then 6, then go back and do Middle Ages, etc. I wouldn’t feel like I could do either one justice if I tried to do two history programs at once. That might just be me, though. :). The other option would be to continue doing the cycle you started, doing Middle Ages/Renaissance, and plan on doing American the next year when he’s in 10th.

    HTH 🙂


    Thanks for your insights, ladies! After more discussion with my sons, we’ve decided to study American history exclusively next year, and we’re all excited about it! Feels great to have made a decision!


    Yes, the peace of making a decision feels wonderful….I know the turmoil we homeschool moms can put ourselves through:)

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