Help with ordering

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  • Kim S

    I want to order the Genesis-Deut and Ancient Egypt for next year and I want to get all the books that go with it. My boys will be 4th and 2nd grade next year. My youngest is not reading yet. Can anyone help me figure out what all I need to order. I want to have all the books here at my house and not have to depend on trying to find something at the library. 

    I did email SCM but wanted to ask here too in case they are busy. 




    You can order the actual History Modules on this site, but the books that go with it are to be borrowed from your library or bought on your own.  I usually look for used books in very good condition on sites like Amazon.

    Kim S

    I really wanted info on what books would go with the histroy modules and I want to buy them. I want to have them here at my home since I am library challenged. 😉 

    I was hoping someone knew which books SCM recommends for the history. I get confused looking at the site trying to figure it out. 


    When you look at the sample PDF you can see what books are needed for family reading and also by grade.

    I buy used usually through ABE books for great prices.

    Kim S

    Does SCM sell all the books you need? I can’t seem to find them on the site. I can’t figure it out and I can’t find a search engine to search the site. I liked the site better before the change. I am having a hard time figuring it out. I think I may just need to spend a day trying to figure it out. 


    Hi Kim – Here is the complete list of books for the Module. SCM does not sell all the needed books, so I put (SCM) after the ones the SCM sells. I usually get my books through Amazon, Abebooks, or I hope this helps you!

    Complete Year’s Book List For Module 1

    Family (all students)

    Ancient Egypt and Her Neighbors by Lorene Lambert (SCM)


    Exodus: A Commentary for Children and Numbers: A Commentary for Children by Nancy E. Ganz

    The Great Pyramid by Elizabeth Mann

    Material World and Hungry Planet: What the World Eats by Peter Menzel

    Pharaoh’s Boat by David Weitzman

    The Stuff They Left Behind: From the Days of Ancient Egypt portfolio (SCM)

    Then and Now Bible Maps from Rose Publishing

    Visits to Africa notebook by Sonya Shafer (one for each student) (SCM)

    Grades 1–3

    Boy of the Pyramids by Ruth Fosdick Jones (SCM)

    The True Story of Noah’s Ark by Tom Dooley

    Grades 4–6

    The Golden Goblet by Eloise Jarvis McGraw

    The Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt by Elizabeth Payne

    The True Story of Noah’s Ark by Tom Dooley

    Grades 7–9

    Adam and His Kin by Ruth Beechick

    Book of Centuries (one for each student) (SCM -free or purchased options)

    The Cat of Bubastes: A Tale of Ancient Egypt by G. A. Henty

    Discovering Doctrine by Sonya Shafer (one for each student) (SCM)

    The Golden Goblet by Eloise Jarvis McGraw

    Jashub’s Journal by Rebekah Shafer, Ruth Shafer, Sonya Shafer (one for each student) (SCM)

    Leviticus: A Commentary for Children by Nancy E. Ganz

    Motel of the Mysteries by David Macaulay

    The Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt by Elizabeth Payne

    Grades 10–12

    Adam and His Kin by Ruth Beechick

    Book of Centuries (one for each student)

    • Discovering Doctrine by Sonya Shafer (one for each student) (SCM -free or purchased options)

    Jashub’s Journal by Rebekah Shafer, Ruth Shafer, Sonya Shafer (one for each student) (SCM)

    Leviticus: A Commentary for Children by Nancy E. Ganz

    Motel of the Mysteries by David Macaulay

    Uarda by Georg Ebers

    Unwrapping the Pharaohs by John Ashton and David Down

    Optional Book List

    The Child’s Story Bible by Catherine Vos (grades 1–3)

    Letters from Egypt by Mary Whately, edited by Sonya Shafer (grades 3–12) Used in the Visits to Africa plans. (SCM)

    Other Materials

    • Four sheets of poster board and felt-tip markers (optional)

    • Model or diagram of the Tabernacle (optional)

    • Various materials for hands-on projects of your choice (optional)

    Here is the link to this information:


    Here is a link to the sample for Mod 1, where the books needed are listed, which sheraz has kindly posted.

    Kim S

    Wow thanks that was what I needed you are amazing. I am not sure why I couldn’t wrap my head around it all. 



    Kim, the search box for the website is all the way at the bottom right of each page. It’s sort of small and has the word “go” next to it. 

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