Help! What records to kee?


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  • Grace

    I am wondering what records I have to keep each year in elementary.  If the state ever wanted me to prove that I am homeschooling my child, could I just show them work they have completed?  Do I need to show them my planner? I actually haven’t kept all of my plans so I really only have some of the kid’s work to show them.  I have used a specific curriculum so I could just tell them that, but I have sold it.  I know that it is probably unlikely that I will have to show anything to the authorities, and I live in a very free state, but if I move to a different state I want to be prepared.  So what records to you keep when your kids are young?

    Rachel White

    I’ve only kept the PASS tests they took at the end of the year, starting in 3rd.

    In Ga., no records are necessary, except a year end report and a Declaration of Intent to be sent in, and if social services were called, it’s illegal for them to ask for those.

    It depends on your state what you have to keep. If you move, I don’t think they can retroactively apply your new state’s laws to your homeschool when you weren’t living there.

    You follow the laws of where you’re at at the time.

    I wouldn’t worry about it at all, but HSLDA can answer your questions (you should be a member either way).



    I agree, follow what is required for your state.

    Our state does not require much BUT I like to keep records. I have a 1″ binder per school year per student. I keep our stand. test (required bi-yearly for our state), attendance (required) and I also keep math tests, samples of writing projects, dictations… I don’t keep everything just a few from each month. It has been a great help to me, to remind myself and the kids how far they have come when they are feeling “stuck”. I also find it helpful to remind me of what expectations were and what worked (or didn’t work).

    They also have fun looking back over their work especially to see their hand writing and art projects 🙂


    Ok.  Thanks. My state doesn’t require records or attendance. I just have to use a curriculum and teach the basics. I am planning to just write down the curriculum I use and keep some of my kids’ work.  Do you think that is enough?

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