Help! Spam Trap

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  • I posted a message twice to the spring cleaning post and it seems they are in the spam – can you help please.  Thanks – Linda

    Jordan Smith

    Your post has been freed! Smile

    Thank you Jordan…

    Rachel White

    I’m caught! I posted on the ‘Older Daughters’ post and got trapped.

    Can you release me (please release me, let me go….)



    Sorry, Rachel, but Jordan is far too young to know that song, LOL!

    Thats funny, what is not funny is that I remember it! lol……

    Jordan Smith

    Rachel, you’re free now. (I will take y’all’s word for it that I’m too young to know that song!)

    Rachel White

    [with your lip snarled and a deep voice] THANK YOU, THANK YOU VERY MUCH…(you’re not too young for that are you, Jordan? Please say it ain’t so?? You live in the South-you better know who that’s from)

    Yeah, well, I guess ya’ll are right! Though I’m glad someone got the joke; though I have no probalem just amusing my self, it is nice when others can join in Smile.

    I have a song for just about everything; it’s part of being a member of my family, they’d probably do a genetics test if I didn’tWink. My mom does it, my grandmother does it, my Pa Pa used to do it (he’s probably doing it in Heaven), my sister does it and I’m training my children to do it!


    Jordan Smith

    (Actually, I live up in the North… But now I think I get it.Smile)

    Rachel White

    Oops, sorry Jordan (I won’t hold it against you); thought you were down here near Sonya. You’re part of Karen’s household.Embarassed


    Doug Smith

    I just realized that we never really introduced Jordan when he stared helping out. Jordan is Karen’s and my oldest son. He is a homeschool graduate and is currently wrapping up his business degree. His real passion and career goal is filmmaking and he has been a key part of some of our more recent video projects.

    Jordan has been handling questions that come in through our contact page or making sure they get the attention of Sonya, Karen, or me as needed. He has recently started helping out with a few questions on the forum as well. It’s especially nice to have his help keeping things running smoothly while the rest of us are away at homeschool conventions this Spring.

    Oh, and even though Jordan is fairly young, he loves a huge variety of music from many styles and eras. It would not be unusual for him to recognize a song from that time period. Smile


    One of the nice things about this forum is how easily accepted people are.  I felt “at home” immediately upon joining, even while merely lurking on the forum.  I believe the same has been true since Jordan’s appearance here.  Perhaps most of us thought, “Oh, he must be Doug’s & Karen’s kid….how nice to have him helping out.”  (Especially during conventions, etc.–things continue to run smoothly!)

    Having said that….thanks, Doug, for the “official” introduction!  And thank you, Jordan, for graciously not making some of us feel terribly old….Laughing

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