Help! I can’t find the Organizer!

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  • Candace

    Hi there!

    Sometimes my device automatically signs me out of the CM Organizer and has me login again. The only problem is that after logging in, it redirects me to the Simply Charlotte Mason website. I have no idea how I found the organizer when this has happened in the past, but this time, I am not succeeding, and I think I have wasted enough time trying to find my way back in on my own. Will you please point me in the right direction so I can access my all of my Organizer information?

    Thank you!

    Candace Rojas


    Hi. Yes I see when I log in on my ipad it takes me to the “My Account” screen and the organizer seems to have dropped off the menu from there. If I click the SCM logo on the top left to go to the main home page then I can use the menu from that screen to access the organizer. Maybe his will work for you.


    I’m in! Thank you, Crystal!

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