Has anyone used the CM organizer? The cost is pretty reasonable but being my first year using cm I wandered how far ahead you can use it. If I wish to prepare for 6 month then can I do that too. Need some help with this.
Secondly for my 8 year girl, is doing Primary language lessons and handwriting and reading be to much? Like I said new to this and don’t want to over do. Does the dictation and copy work come in all these or do I need to add that too? Getting a little frustrated trying to plan. ugh!
Depending on your child’s abilities, PLL, reading and copywork is probably not be too much for your child. Remember short, sweet lessons and consistency is the key. You also don’t have to do every subject every day.
PLL should contain some copywork and dictation, which can be optional for an 8 yo – again depending on their reading and writing skills.
Much of PLL can be done orally if she is not quite proficent in some of these areas.
I’ve use the CMO for going on 4 yrs. now. I generally plan my entire year in advance, tweaking along as I need to adjust things. It’s an excellent tool.
I second what sheraz said: PLL + copywork is not too much, IMO. I didn’t do dictation for my 8 yr. old (there is dictation in PLL), so we skipped those lessons and any copywork in the books (there were a few lessons, but I had a separate copywork book I liked).
The daily sheets for each child are great. And before you print it, you can quickly open up things that you don’t normally schedule that day, or close up items that you do schedule that day but don’t want to have them do – and it prints it with those quick changes…. so very customizable.
I love it, will not go without and I know I tried one year and it stunk. I can’t praise it enough. I tell everyone about it and if I had to budget for only one thing it would be the organizer.
How do you fill out a full year on the cm organizer. I can only do a week. I would love to havevit all done for the year. Then i csn go through and make changes if necessary. I
I use Sonya’s five-step instructions for planning the big picture, the year, the term, the week, and the days on paper. The I take the info. from my paper planning and transfer to the CMO.
So for ex: if I have 3 lit. books for ds I decide how they are to be broken down through the year, then input that info for each book; using the “start after” feature so that once one book is finished, the next one is automatically loaded up.
Have you watched the videos explaining how to do everything? There are several on this link – scroll down towards the middle and watch them. They are short and should be able to visually answer your questions.
You enter in your resources – say a book. You are indicating which day of the week you are going to read that book on. You can spacify the date that it starts. You aren’ going to specify which chapter you read on which date – just when to start the book…
So, I know that I want to read, say, Winie the Pooh, and when we finish that, we are going to read Raggedy Ann. Easy, I set up Winnie the Pooh to start right away, and Raggedy Ann to start after we finish it.
Or, I know we want to start a book in Term 2 – I look at my calendar at when I figure Term 2 will start, and fill that in as the start date.
If You are doing something like AO, where the weeks are assigned – I copy the resource, and then add the week numbers into the chapter descriptions. I know what week we are on, so I can close any books that aren’t read that week…
I took an accidental break from the CMO and really need to go back to it for next school year. I have tried a ton of ideas for paper planning (lots of good ones on the forum) but I just can’t seem to do it. I’m not crazy about printing out a daily schedule for my dc but I love how it organizes my year/day and categorizes our subjects. Also, there is something about how the info is saved that I like much better than *my* paper way. I know others who can manage the paper way (and at times I wish I could) but it’s just not working…so I’m excited to get back to the CMO as soon as I can.
o.k. ladies, I have scheduled all my books and still cant figure out how to print off all the assignments for the year so I can out them in a binder. I want to see everything we need to do including present things. for example: biology lesson 3, all the way through the year. I must not understand how this works. maybe I should just hand write it all so its at my figure tips in a binder? This is an awesome site thanks for all the help:)