Hanging a picture?

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  • Misty

    Ok ladies, I have lived in our new home about a year and a half.  It has been a busy time as you all can imagine.  But I am trying to do some MUCH needed “new year cleaning”.  I have a pictures that need to be hung and this is by far my weakest point. (just as my dh)

    So here is my question we’ve been married 12 yrs now and I have our wedding picture still framed.  Also, a frame with about a dozen from our wedding.  Do I hang them still or replace them?

    If I hang them do they go .. where?  Our bedroom, being it’s been a while?  Our entry way? Or my office?  It really wouldn’t fit in with the family room moto..”outdoors/hunting” that my dh has brought in LOL!  Help.. he wants them either switched or hung what do I do?  (did I mention the one of the two of us is a 11x? one up from 8×10).

    Also, would you replace the pictures in the frames with the kids with newer pictures “totally”, 50/50 or give and take?

    Thanks for all your help and suggestions. Misty

    Do you have a stairwell or a long hallway?  I like seeing pictures there.  Also,  the entryway or office are both good places.  I would not want to look at my newly wedded self every morning, but it might bring back those new feelings….

    I think I would do give and take on the pictures, definitely keep at least one or two wedding ones and put some kids in there.


    I have been married for 10 1/2 years.  Our wedding picture is at the end of our hallway and it will always be someplace for me to enjoy.  My girls see it and are prompted to ask about that special day, they tell me how beautiful I am, they ask questions about a husband.  It has started really cute conversations and gets them thinking.  It is not out in the open.  My husband looks wonderful and I have to say I do too!  Good for the self esteem!  Hang it up and enjoy that good looking man, and tell your kids how handsome he is too.  Then enjoy how pretty they say you are!

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