Handwriting – need lots of help!!!

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  • Tukata

    Eep!  My lovely dd6’s handwriting is quite…well….unlovely!  She writes ALL THE TIME and I tried to be a proper CM schoolteacher and not have her do “official” school until age 6 (well, I did do some at age 5).  Because she writes for fun all the time, she has developed some terrible habits – writing letters from the bottom, not the top, etc.  We’ve tried doing Italics: Beautiful Handwriting for Children, and we did go through the G-D Italics level for K last year at 5…She’s bored copying just a letter or so in her handwriting book…is this where I go to copywork and “hover” while she writes to make sure she’s writing correctly?  I’m not anxious to purchase another curriculum if I can do it without having one.  I’d love any creative ideas!  Thanks!

    Do 5 minutes of perfect execution with copy work. If it helps, take a short break from pencil and use chalkboard, shaving cream on a large cookie sheet, or sand. Then go back to paper and pencil to copy short beautiful passages from poetry, scripture, etc.

    HTH! 🙂

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