Growth on this site


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  • Misty

    I just felt the need to thank Soyna, Doug and all those who do so much for us here.  I have been on this site for a while now and the wonderful things I see are : old friends who never leave, new friends who are here and adding to the ever growth of this site, constant upgrades to make the organizer better than ever (I can’t thank you enough for this), familys everywhere coming together to help eachother out in school, home and personal affairs.

    This site is such a blessing and I can’t help but wonder if when the staff of SCM sit back they ever thought it would be this big or go this well?  Congrats on a job well done!  May God continue to shine on you.  And to everyone here for all the advice, suggestions and just listening ears and prayers THANK you!

    Blessings Misty


    Amen! I second that!!!Smile



    I agree completely.  While I fall into the very recently added category, I am very grateful to have found this site.  I have been on other forums the past few months trying to figure out what I’m doing; and I feel like I have found a home, so to speak.  Thank you, ladies, you all have been a true blessing; and, of course, I couldn’t forget Doug!

    ~ Cindie


    Yes, I know that I have thanked the SCM team before, but it’s never too many times.  You are so gracious to offer your wisdom.  Although I post rarely, I read regularly!  Thank you!

    Thank you also to all of the wonderful homeschooling families who post on this site and encourage all of us.  Thank you for sharing your questions, your answers, your vulnerabilities and your strengths.  It truly feels like we are on a journey together and it’s wonderful to know that there is a community who truly wants our children to succeed. 



    Sonya Shafer

    This is indeed a special group that the Lord has brought together here at SCM, and I’m so thankful for all of you! I pray regularly for a spirit of unity and encouragement among us.

    Back when Doug and Karen sat with John and me and we talked about starting this site, we prayed specifically that it would be a blessing to people. We had no idea how many people at the time, and we still don’t know what the Lord has in mind for the future. But right now we praise Him for faithfully continuing to answer that prayer. And, as an added bonus, He is using this site to bless me too — through all of you. Your friendship, love, and encouragement so often bring a smile to my face as I read your posts each day. 

    Isn’t our God good!

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