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  • CrystalN

    Wondering if anyone knows of a beginning Greek program that is similar to Getting Started with Latin. We really love doing languages as a family and Getting Started works well with all my students 4th, 7th and 9th grade. I wanted to start Greek next year but dont want to get bogged down with something intense. I would like to spark an interest for the kids to want to pursue languages on their own. I DO NOT want to be the locomotive pulling a bunch of train cars with their brakes on uphill, if you know what I mean.





    My middle daughter did very well with the Elementary Greek materials by Open Texture Press. I was able to help her learn, though I had no background in Greek, and she went on to take a year of high school Greek online. She was between 10 and 11 when we started and I think we used two and a half of the three year program. Before we started that, she had a great time with the Greek Alphabet Code Cracker from Classical Academic Press.

    That said, she was already interested in learning Greek, so she was more the locomotive than a train car at that point. I imagined she would take Latin like her big sister had, but she loved the “secret code” aspect of the Greek alphabet and the intricacies of Greek grammar. Ultimately, she chose ASL as her official foreign language, but a few years after she took the high school Greek class,  my son-in-law was taking Greek in seminary, and my daughter still remembered some of the material and was able to connect with him on the joys and trials of Greek study.


    I purchased but haven’t yet tried a DVD called “It’s Not Greek to Me” by Wretched Radio. I believe there is an accompanying study guide.


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