Grading for High School

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  • Stephanie

    Our son will be in 9th grade next year, and as I am planning I am wondering how I will give him a grade in History.  Up to this point I have not given history grades.  We are following the SCM 6 time frames for history and we really enjoy it and he really seems to retain so much of the information that it amazes me.  I don’t want to switch to a different curriculum as we have followed this for 4 years and want to continue.  I am just wondering how I am going to give him a grade.  Could anyone share how they go about it using the SCM curriculum?  I’d really like to hear how others are doing it.  Thanks.


    I’ve wondered about the same thing, and here is what I did –

    My daughter was in 9th last year and I wanted to record something before I filed away that year’s things so I assigned a % to the areas I determined we’d done over the year.  In other words, I didn’t desgin the grading before the course but after it.  I looked at our reading list, narrations, evaluations and maybe a project or two that she did on a pariticular topic that year.  I assigned those areas a percentage (maybe 50% for the 3 evaluations at the end of each term; 40% for daily narrrations; 10% for a project or presentation – I can’t remember now), then I took a look at each area and gave it an over all number grade.  I then did the calculations for weighted grades and wala! came up with a course grade.  I also took in to account how well she knew the time period we covered – how well could she converse about it, did she see over arching themes, understand the major shifts, etc.  I wanted her grade to reflect her knowledge.

    This method is pretty much how I  handle all the subjects for both kids.  Math is easier of course because there is no subjective evaluation if your using a text and checking the work.

    I love that on SCM history is one of the largest areas of concern!  It’s ironic.  You realize no one, and I mean no fancy pants school anywhere in the US, does as much history as a CM student does over the course of their k-12 education?  So, I always marvel at how stressed and concerned and anxious we all are about getting history “just right” …. 🙂  I always tell my kids I’d have no qualms about giving them a credit per year all of their homeschooling career for history.  They’d deserve it.  The way we do it in CM is awesome.  Not to imply you are here but I’ve always wanted to mention that and this topic dovetails in to it.


    Thanks, that is helpful. I will have to put some thought into this to come up with something that is fair (not dependent on my opinion so much!). I do love the history and am really getting so much of a better view of the time frames myself!!



    For some subjects, I’m assigning letter grades that are pretty general. For example, an A means my kid did all the required work, learned the material and generally did well. I would give a B if they had some trouble, but completed it and did okay, etc. It doesn’t have to be an exact science for every subject.


    I do what Erin does. I also include their attitude when I consider grades, and I ask them what they think they should get. I never think about grades until I have to report them to our umbrella school, then I literally spend a minute or two on each one. That’s all.


    I don’t stress over grading at all. I don’t accept shoddily done work and I require that it be redone if I feel the student has not done his/her best. My kids mostly make A’s but I did give my son a few B’s and he even earned a C once! It was in a subject that he really struggled with and we were both happy with a passing grade.

    In the end, I think us moms really do know what grades our kids deserve. We know if they’ve done their best and we tend to be harder on our kids than a more objective teacher might be.



    I am really appreciating the comments here as I am nearing the end of our oldest’s 9th grade year and need to start creating a transcript! Thank you!

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