good movies for Ancient Egypt

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  • jill smith

    Any good movies on Ancient Eygpy FOr Module one.

    Rachel White

    Depending upon th eages of your children:

    Cleopatra w/Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton.

    I know there are others, but it’s early.


    The following are suggestions I found in Learning with the Movies, by Beth Holland. You’ll need to view some of them first to see if they are friendly for your family.

    Caesar and Cleopatra (VIEW FIRST)

    Cleopatra (VIEW FIRST, CAUTION)

    Egypt: Quest for Eternity (NatGeo)

    Prince of Egypt (Family favorite here)

    The Ten Commandments (Long, but good)

    Tut, the Boy King

    Valley of the Kings (View first)


    There is a cool documentary from National Geographic that is another theory of how they built the Great Pyramid. It’s called Unlocking the Great Pyramid and you can watch it free here:–U

    There are a couple of interesting audio books called Peeps from Many Lands: Ancient Egypt available free on too.

    My kids love the Prince of Egypt and The Ten Commandments too. Isn’t there another movie that dealt with Joseph by the same people who did Prince of Egypt?


    Perfect timing. Thanks for asking this question!


    Sheraz- Is it dream works “Joseph King of Dreams” that you are thinking of? We have it and it is similar to the “Prince of Egypt” movie by dream works.


    Yes, it is. 😉 i’ve not watched it, though!

    Rachel White

    Just be sure to show your children that Prince of Egypt depicts Pharoah’s wife, instead of Pharoah’s dd, as pulling Moses from The River.

    Not the Biblical acct.

    Haven’t watched Joseph by Dreamworks.

    How about Joseph and His Technicolor Dreamcoat? LOL! No really. I enjoy it and my older do, but not for accuracy or anything; just fun. Well, I take that back, as it may not be fun for all; Donny Osmond caught a lot of heat from the Mormon community at the time, did he not?

    The Caesar and Cleopatra w/Vivien Leigh and Claude Rains has nothing to worry about, IMO.

    Can’t think of many movies, but there’s many documentaries.


    Yes, Donny Osmond did get in trouble for doing that.

    There is a wonderful Joseph Movie that we have.

    My only concern with this movie is that Joseph is very handsome. LOL! It might be a distraction for young ladies…really. He is not fully clothed. Maybe I am weird?? LOL Other than that the acting was great! 🙂

    jill smith

    Thanks ladies I will check these out!



    Your post made me laugh.  I just had a conversation about this with a friend re: the Little House TV series.  She mentioned that she was distracted by Charles with his shirt off somewhat often, and had heard it was a deliberate attempt to get women to watch the show!  Crazy.  I still love the show and my boys watch it often….



    YEP! We have the whole series on DVD. They have included some interviews as well. And the lady who played Nellie Olsen, can’t remember her real name, mentioned that the first time Michael Landon took off his shirt that they received hundreds of letters from women to keep doing it!!! So from then on, Michael took his shirt of often!! I love the series too! But it is very distracting!! AHEM!! 🙂

    Rachel White

    I agree on the…AHEM!! 😉 Little Joe aged well; not bad for an alcoholic. Of course, in real ife, I think Pa would’ve been fit, as he was a farmer and a hard worker; so strong and fit (and lean, as I recall fromt he books) he would’ve been.

    Back to the OP, there are, I think two episodes of Secrets of the Dead regarding Egypt.


    Dd11 just watched King Tut’s Final Secrets by Nat Geo on Netflix. A documentary made while X-raying Tut’s mummy. Dd watched the whole thing with interest and ds7 watched about half. They both loved Prince of Egypt and Joseph King of Dreams. They also both really enjoyed Into the Great Pyramid – Another Nat Geo on Netflix.


    We have not seen Prince of Egypt.  Could you tell me what ages it is intended for?

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