Gifted homeschooling

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  • Alysee123


    My dc has finally been labelled gifted. They are logical, math-oriented, remembers anything you tell them(except spelling it seems!) and hates writing of any sort. They love reading encyclopedias and learning facts.

    Our kindergarten year was interest led but they will be in first grade and I’m hoping to really help them succeed but I’m feeling very inadequate.

    I’m hoping for minimal writing curriculums that are secular.

    Here’s what I’m thinking for next year:

    <b>Morning Basket with all:</b> Canadian History, First Nations, Geography, People of the World, World History, Poetry, Picture Study, Nature Study

    Miquon math & Life of Fred(already started this last year)

    Handwriting Without Tears

    Keyboarding Without Tears

    All About Spelling

    Aesops Fables for narration

    Sassafras Science(not my fave but I think they’ll love it)

    Is this too much? Usually we don’t do this much for first grade but I’m trying to challenge and keep them busy.


    Meant to add Grammar Galaxy

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