Gift ideas for a 7 year old girl

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  • AFthfulJrney

    We spend very little and only get 3 gifts for each of our 3 children. My 5 yr old son is pretty easy to buy for as is my 2 year old daughter. My 7 year old, well, she has us stumped! She’s, unfortunately, not into dolls, but LOVES stuffed animals. However, how many stuffed animals can one kid have!!?? 😉 She enjoys art, but got a lot of cool art supplies for her bday earlier this year! I’m trying to think outside the box for her, since a lot of the toys available are simply gross or junk! My mom has already bought her a wooden loom for Christmas and I’m thinking of putting together a small embroidery kit for her! I’m hoping to get some great ideas from some of you on what might be good gift ideas for a 7 year old little girl who loves animals, art, and music! Any suggestion?

    Thank you!


    A pet or a musical instrument such as a harmonica, penny whistle, or recorder?

    I like the embroidery kit idea too.


    How about an art kit? Scissors, glitter, glue, tape, construction paper, those things that punch shapes out of paper.

    My mom put together a kit (with stuff from the Dollar store and other cheap, clearance-priced type items) and my 8yo LOVED it.





    This year I am hand making some gifts for my kids. Each will get the life verse that hubby and I chose for them at their adoption or birth on a wooden wall hanging for their rooms. Also, I am crocheting a blanket for the younger 2 and slippers for the older two (and hubby).  The older two will get blankets next time, but I didnt have time to make all 4 before Christmas this year.


    I made some felt food for my dd when she was 5 or 6. Here is a site w/ tutorials:

    All you need is embroidery floss, a needle, felt, and scissors! Even for me (who is very sewing-challenged) it was pretty easy. I worked on it after she went to bed. She still plays with them, and she’s now 9.

    We also started a set of dishes for dd when she was 7. We add to it each year on her birthday and Christmas. We started w/ the tea set, but the pattern we chose has everything from dinner plates to cake stands, so we have plenty of pieces to choose from in the future. It’s also mix-and-match, which is lots of fun. This is the brand we chose:

    Our dd isn’t into dolls either. She LOVES stuffed animals, like yours. She’s also into Lego Friends, anything having to do w/ arts and crafts, and dress-up stuff.

    You could also do a coupon book for her full of things you and she can do together: go out for ice cream after dinner, go see a girly movie, pedicures together, bake a special dessert together, stay up 30 minutes after bedtime with you, lunch date, tea party, etc.



    I saw a nice website not long ago with lots of non-toy ideas for kids. The focus is on avoiding clutter, but you may find some suitable ideas. Here it is:


    I hope this doesn’t offend anyone, but you could ask her.

    Some of our family members go over the top buying stuff for our kids at Christmas, which drives me crazy. Two desired items are much more meaningful than dozens of great bargains.

    If you don’t want to ask her directly, take her out to shop for a gift for someone else. Notice what she lingers over.

    Do you live in an area that provides art or pottery lessons? That could be a fun gift that lasts past the holiday season.


    Thank you for all the wonderful ideas.

    I have asked her, many times, and the answers are always the same…certain brands of stuffed animals or toys that I know she will never play with. We get the catalogs that come in the mail this time of year and she circles all kinds of stuff, but I’ve learned my lesson and know half of it she’ll never play with! She’s always been extremely tough to buy for.

    Thanks again though! I knew I could count on all of you!


    I ask my kids for 3-4 ideas for our 5 gift categories and that gives me something to choose from though I often choose myself if I find something special.

    Something I want. – ds almost 5 schleich Knights and castle (used eBay); others?

    Something I need. – ds10 golf glove; dd13 fun colorful socks; ds almost 5 church belt; dd7 ?

    Something to wear. – dd13: bracelet; ds10 & ds almost 5 and dh: Red Sox shirts; dd7: ?

    Something to read. – I’m a total bookworm and don’t take suggestions for this. Dd13 is getting an agatha christie and the book Nature Girl; da10 is a Hardy Boys set; ds almost 5 February Fox, and Blackie; dd7 Clementine set

    Something to share with others in need. – this year is filling shoeboxes. I give them $10 each and they shop for a kid their own age.

    I also choose one BIG gift per kid. This year dd7 is getting her own saddle (used), ds almost 5 is getting a tandem bike to hook behind mine bc he is too big for the baby seat but not quite ready to go long distances on his own. Dd13, ds10, and dh are getting tix to Universal Orlando since ds10 is now big enough for all the fun coasters.

    I often find used books and used toys in good shape and gift them. We pick up a couple small things for their stockings like silly putty or earrings. Our other tradition is to buy each child one christmas ornament every year they live at home that relates to them at that age. That way they leave home with 18 or so ornaments to start their own collections. These are small things, but such a special tradition for us.

    I know that list may seem over the top extravagant for some and maybe too little to others. I don’t share it as the right way, but simply how our family narrows and chooses.

    Be blessed this season.


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