Getting High School World History, Geography and American Hist. Credits

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  • salvi_doug

    I’ve always done a Charlotte Mason style homeschool using living books, narration, nature study etc. using an eclectic blend of products from a variety of places  including SCM, but now my oldest is starting highschool next fall and wants to attend college in our hometown afterward.  In looking at the college’s highschool credit requirements, they want a credit each for World History, World Geography, and American History.  I would really like to use the SCM History/Bible curriculum, but I know it is spread out over 6 years , not 4, and that all three types of history are taught simultaneously.  Does anyone have any ideas on how to make this work for what we need?


    I just wrote a post about this. We do 4 day school weeks and if we do the scheduled 6 lessons in a 4 day week instead of 5 days we can finish 1.5 modules every year, giving us a 4 year rotation. Just an idea.


    If you will do both the SCM history guide 5 (Early Modern & Epistles) and guide 6 (Modern & Epistles, Revelation) as written for the history section, you will have one credit of American History and one credit world history spread over 2 years, which is normal. What makes this different is that you get 1/2 credit in world and 1/2 credit in American each year. That is why you need to do both. Sonya explains this here.

    For a world geography credit, perhaps you could combine all the Visits to… books over the course of his high school career and count it as 1 credit. I haven’t ever added up all the time spent, so you would have to do that. One credit hour is generally from 120-150 hours, which means that you may have to add a few books. Here is a list of other suggested geography resources – you will need to scroll down a ways.


    Completing all of the Visits series is worthy of one full credit regardless of hours in my opinion. Consider what you learned in hs geography and compare.  It’s a worthy course imo.


    I felt like it was enough, too – for exactly that reason, Christie. I just wasn’t sure of her requirements.

    My hs geography class was spent looking up GNP and coloring maps – lots of nothing, really, although I enjoyed talking to my friends very much! LOL


    Thank you all for your ideas – I knew there were probably simple answers from people more familiar with the curriculum!  I’ll spend some time  looking into what you’ve suggested and I may be back with more questions – Thanks, again!

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