German at Cherrydale Press!

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  • Sonya Shafer

    I just received word from Allyson at Cherrydale Press that they have now added German to their wonderful foreign language series. Those of you looking for a Charlotte Mason approach to learning German, here is a great new resource!


    That’s great.  I have the Spanish but just can’t get into it. I took German and would be more consistent with it I think.


    Oh this is great news!! Our first language to learn is German and I was already so disappointed when I learned Cherrydale didn’t have German.  Thank you for the heads up! I would not have thought to check back.

    S M

    Sonya, is there a preferred sequence in which to learn languages?  Would it be beneficial to learn each of them for a few years or better to learn one in depth for several years?  I personally studied German for 4 years in high school and then went on to study biblical Greek in college, so I naturally would lean toward German in terms of teaching my children.  Would it be better for me to teach them German since I already studied it (many years ago) than Spanish or French which I have never studied?  Just wondering if teaching a language you already know would be more beneficial than trying to learn a language from scratch as you try to teach it.  Thanks in advance for any advice you could give.


    Would this be an acceptable High School Credit?  Would we actually beable to speak basic sentences/questions when course is completed?

    If not, what are some recommendations for Spanish?

    Sorry, I just read Cherrydale Press about High School Credit and they said it would not be enough.

    Anyone have a Spanish course recommendation?  One that was truly enjoyable and you really feel like you grasped the language?


    Sonya Shafer

    Susan, I believe the way Charlotte approached multiple languages was layering them in, beginning with oral. So it might look something like this

    Grades 1-3: oral French
    Grades 4-6: oral and written French; oral German
    Grades 7-9: oral and written French; oral and written German; oral Italian
    Grades 10-12: oral and written French, German, and Italian

    I don’t know that there is a preferred order in which to approach the languages. It seems like the same layering idea could apply to any three languages.

    Hope this helps!

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