Genesis thru Deut Question

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  • lolmomof4

    Hi all! I’ve downloaded the sample for Module 1 and I like the looks of it. I’ve been wanting something like this for quite a long time. I do have a question though. I’m trying to get a feel for what Term 2 is like. I appreciate the fact that there isn’t a lot of time spent on the Egyptians beliefs, however, I’m wondering what exactly is taught in this term and how is it accomplished? Can someone clarify this for me?


    Sonya Shafer

    The main lessons in Term 2 cover a few optional hands-on activities such as making a salt-dough map of Egypt, a game of senet, a model shaduf, and a paper mache pharaoh mask; then Grades 1-3 read Boy of the Pyramids; Grades 4-6 read The Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt; Grades 7-12 read The Golden Goblet and either Mara, Daughter of the Nile or Cat of Bubastes. 

    Term 2 also starts the map drill of Africa and its countries, since Egypt is in Africa.

    Term 3 continues the Biblical narrative and the map drill.

    Now, for an insider’s scoop. Cool I’m in the process of revising and expanding the Genesis through Deuteronomy handbook. It will still include the above items, but the study of Ancient Egypt will be spread throughout the year rather than be the focus of one term. It will also include instructions for reading through Letters from Egypt as part of the geography lessons, and it will add some children’s commentary readings to the Exodus narratives and beyond. I’m in the proofing stages and hope to have this Second Edition available in February or March 2010. So depending on when you want to use the guide and how you want the Terms set up, you can make an informed decision. Smile

    Sonya, I wonder if you would provide a discount for those who might want to update their old version?  I bought mine a week or so ago, but didn’t plan to start until May or June as we are schooling all year round.  I just thought I would buy it so I can look for all the books listed until May, as some of the books can be expensive.

    Thanks ,  Alexis


    I believe I will enjoy the way the Module is being revised. Waiting for it’s completion is an option. My dd is nearing the end of her 2nd grade work, so I’ll just hold off starting Mod 1 until the spring which will also be the beginning of her 3rd grade year.

    Thanks for your input 🙂 Nicole


    I’m planninon on using this next year with 1st-4th grade dc. I was about to purchase the e-book tonight but I think I’ll wait.

    Thanks for the insiders scoopWink

    I do have a question; will there be book suggestions for the two out-of print books croco’nile & shipwreck?

    Sonya Shafer

    @Alexis, yes, we want to do something like that, but we’re not quite sure what it will look like yet. You do have the 30-day money back guarantee as an option also, since you got the book just a week or so ago.

    @Homeschooling6, yes, I took out the out-of-print books and added some new ones that are readily available. Thanks for asking; I forgot to mention that as part of the revision’s description. 

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