General Planning Question

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  • Erinincincy

    Hi all, 

    I am in my 3rd year homeschooling and my 1st year with CM. For the first time, I am really going to try and have a plan for the year to keep us on track and give me an idea of where we are. 

    We are part of a co-op every Monday, Sept-Apr. After scheduling in co-op days, breaks for holidays, a few sick days, a few catch-up days, that leaves me with 155 school days and that’s ending third week in June. I don’t want worry too much about being behind and I want to stay flexible. But the SCM history module has 180 lessons, as does our science curriculum. I don’t want to end each year with 30-something lessons at the end that we never got to, I would feel a little weird about just skipping them and moving on. Maybe my slight OCD tendencies are coming out and I need to just be okay with it. 

    What would you do? Try to double up certain days? Just cross some lessons off that aren’t as important/interesting to us? How do I decide what to skip? Am I overthinking this way too much? Haha 🙂

    Thanks for any insight. 

    Alicia Hart

    That would bug me too but I am also, I confess, a little OCD myself!  LOL!

    Here are just some thoughts:

    Is there a science course in your co-op that you could do?

    For SCM history modules (I am assuming you are talking about the Bible/history/geography combo), I would just drop some of the lessons.    You could drop the geography day and just have your kids do something like http://www.shepphardsoftware on thier own for just learning the countries of that particular module.   Then you could just double up on the extra independent readings. 

    I am just going by how SCM History Module One is set up :

    M- Bible

    T- Bible


    Th-Geo and independent history readings

    Fri-Family history reading


    I am assuming the other modules are set up in the same way? I hope this is helpful in some way.



    You can skip lessons.  You can double up on lessons.  You can just pick up next year where you left off this year in those subjects.  Any of those options would be perfectly fine.  If you do need to have 180 days for your state though, you may want to consider school year round.  I do all school year round.  My friend does certain subjects during the school year (math, reading, history, etc…) then saves science, music study, and some others for the summer months.  We live in a cold climate so science/nature study is great to have during the summer!  Everyone finds something that works for them and you will as well. 🙂 


    We have used the scm history modules for years and only school at home 4 days/week. Our other day is a CM co-op day. I add the geography lesson to one of our four at home days easily enough. I also school year round.


    Thank you ladies, that Is super helpful. I think I will try to consolidate most weeks. We may be headed for year-round school as well!


    If you need 180 days, (which I’ll bet you do, since you’re probably in Ohio like me Wink), you can most certainly include your co-op days in your count. You don’t even have to worry about days they are sick or on a family trip; when a child in public school misses a few days for those reasons, they don’t make him/her come in on Saturday to make them up.


    We live in Texas, so we don’t have to turn in attendance.  I do count co-op days as part of our school year “attendance” though.  We cover so much on those days and I enter it all in the CMO to remind me of that fact. 



    Thanks! Yes I was thinking that I would be able to count co-op days. Righty so, they are full days!

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