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  • Rebekah

    Would anyone like to share their favorite card and board games?

    We like Catan, Ticket to ride, Battle ship, Life, Sorry, Uno.

    I would love to hear about some others!!! : )

    Tamara Bell

    Splendor, Five Crown, and Pit are favorites here (along with Ticket to Ride)



    Uno and old maid are our favorite card games in our house. Snorta, headbands, monopoly and sorry are the favorite board games. We have sooo many but those are the only ones they ask for.


    Ticket to Ride
    Uno or Skip Bo
    10 Days in the USA
    Racko (with the younger two)


    My kids and husband like Dominion (it has several expansion packs and they like those as well) and Wildcraft.

    I like Loaded Questions.  A person reads a question from a card.  Everyone else answers, and the person who asked it has to guess who answered what.


    They’re not really “board” games, but we like Suspend and Jenga.  Monopoly is a favorite, and when there are enough of us around, the kids still like to play Apples to Apples Junior.  We never got around to purchasing any of the non-junior versions, but we still like this one.

    For card games, we like plain old Go Fish the best.

    Oh, I almost forgot Mancala.  It’s a two-player game which is fine because most of the time it’s just DD17 and me, but when her brother is around, we’ll do a winner-plays-the-third-person thing until we get tired of playing.


    You haven’t lived until you play “Rook” -a family tradition around here.  Middle School and up.


    Telestrations is a HUGE favorite around here. It is so fun. It is basically the game Telephone (or Gossip) but drawn. It is hilarious.

    I have to admit that we own all but one of the Ticket to Ride series. My husband and I love to play them.

    My younger girls like Who Ate the Cake? (Clue junior), and Apples to Apples junior, Sorry, Life, Uno, and Old Maid.

    My older girls like Scattergories, Clue, 221 Baker Street (Sherlock Holmes Clue type game), and Phase 10.

    Other fun age spanning games are we like the Chronicles of Narnia and Herd Your Horses board games, Harry Potter Trivial Pursuit, and Apples to Apples, and occasionally, Pictopia.


    I love this thread! I recently read a blog post about a family who does something called “the 12 Games of Christmas” in which they play a different game in the 12 days leading up to Christmas. I loved the idea and have since been on the lookout for fun games.  These recommendations are great! I’ve looked up a few and am intrigued. If anyone has more recommendations of games for younger kids (the two that are old enough to play are 4 and 3), I would love to hear them! Games that are easy to learn and not frustrating for them, yet keep their interest. Right now they like Dominoes, Candy Land, Memory Match games, Crocodile Dentist, Don’t Break the Ice (which I don’t like, since they just bang out all the pieces then make me reset it every 2 minutes😂), and a version of Trouble (which they just like to put the pieces on their fingers and abandon the game play halfway through😁). We like puzzles too.


    Gnip Gnop is fun for that age. Actually, we still like that one, too.


    Another favorite I forgot – Have You Herd.


    Almost forgot snorta. It’s a hilarious mixed up game about animal noises. Totally fun at any age but it’s a kids game. It gets us every time!!


    Okay, I’ll just confess right here that I’m NOT a game lover, to the continual dismay of my 2nd and 3rd children. But one I *do* like is called Wildcraft,  a cooperative game that teaches about herbalism. It’s more fun than it sounds.

    My kids have liked Apples to Apples, Scattergories, and some classic ones from my childhood like Monopoly, Life, Yahtzee, various card games.


    Rummy Cubes has always been my favorite game.  We like Uno, too.  My kids like the two player oop game, King’s Court.  A fun, quick game for all ages is Slapzi.  We just read aloud the question cards so nonreaders can play, too.  We also enjoy Sequence.  My mother liked playing that one with us.  We have the States and Capitals version, but there are other options like Dogs.  A fun game for the early years is Koala Capers.  Also Guess Who?, Old Maid, and Memory Match.  Great topic.  I love games, but I wish we could find more time for playing them.  Anyone have any tips for that?


    We love Blokus also.  It is for up to 4 players and works best with that many players.  Kids like I Spy with My Eagle Eye, Spot It!, and Spot It Jr.

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