G-free Recipes


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  • LindseyD

    Hi Ladies!

    Our little Penny-wise blog is in need of your submissions. We have a few recipes and tips waiting to be posted, but need to add to our supply. Selfishly, I am looking for gluten-free recipes. There are also tags on the blog for dairy-free recipes. If you have either or both, please e-mail us. It would be SO helpful! 

    And, if you have a great penny-pinching tip or cleaning product recipe or anything else you’d like to submit, please do that as well. Personally, I have already used many of your submissions and won’t ever go back to my old ways or products. This group holds some of the smartest people I know!

    Our e-mail address is pennywisewomen@gmail.com.

    We look forward to hearing from you!

    I second what Lindsey says and I too have used the submisions so far and am thrilled with the results – so let us help Lindsey out as well with some recipes that are GF and for those with allergies, they have a harder time than the rest of us because GF stuff is so expensive and it is a sharp learning curve.  All submisions are welcome.  Linda


    Here is a blog of crock-pot recipes that are all gluten-free.  The author now has 2 books out, but I think all the recipes from the first book are on her blog.


    I love love the blog!  I’ve used numerous recipes (fitted them to be G-free for our family) so far!  I will get some more of our family favorite G-free and dairy free recipes to you.  We’ve been so busy I’ve slacked on getting any to you.  Both boys are super busy with school, and since the beginning of January wrestling (practice 4 nights a week).  But I will promise to get some more to you asap!


    Again love the blog, and I cannot wait to see what everyone else sends in!





    I’m a little ignorant when it comes to blogs, I’d like to submit some recipes and see some too!  How do I get to the Penny-wise blog?  Thanks!

    Betty Dickerson

    I also want to add http://www.elanaspantry.com has all gluten free recipes, most of them dairy free as well.  I get alot of my recipes from her website and book. 

    Some tips I’ve used is to substitute coconut milk for dairy in recipes and coconut oil for butter.  That has worked really well for me.


    Sent you an email with flour free peanut butter cookies and cornbread…

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