Fun Family Movies to watch with Young Children?

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    The Beatrix Potter collection from BBC is excellent and well worth the $25 on Amazon!  “The Snowman” based on the book by Raymond Briggs is another idea.  🙂


    We have this Shaun the Sheep. Not sure how it fits anyone’s definition of twaddle though! (It is pretty funny)


    Thanks for all the great ideas! This gives me a lot to work with.

    Since Toy Story was mentioned – those all all out. Too intense for her. She doesn’t like Nemo or Bugs’ Life either. I’ve been disappointed that the last couple of Pixar films have been PG rated and more intense than what my kids can handle, which is too bad because dh and I enjoy them. Hence why we are looking for other suggestions of things we can ALL enjoy. =)

    Appreciate the tips!



    I remember another one my kids watched recently and loved.  It was called Follow Me Boys.,_Boys!  And one to keep in mind for when maybe your son gets a bit older – Srgt. York  My kids LOVE this movie.  It’s an old black and white war movie about a man who is struggling with being drafted in the war when God says not to kill.  It was based on a true story and was just exxcellent.  It’s a war movie, but does not have tons of violence, but since you son is very sensitive, I’d hold off a bit.  But maybe you and your hubby could have a date night!  🙂


    Loved Follow Me Boys! Watched that a few yrs ago w/ dh! Like Sergeant York too


    Also agree with Follow Me Boys and Sgt. York (the 2nd for later)

    There were a bunch of World-of-Disney movies that were great…

    Charlie the Lonesome Cougar

    That Darn Cat


    The Computer who wore Tennis Shoes [a little cheezy mind you – but hey, they can see a university computer from the 1960’s!)

    probably others….

    At the risk of sounding nerd-like, don’t forget educational shows. 🙂 Lots of nature documentaries are usually good, and recently my kids are enjoying Bill Nye the Science Guy.


    We just finished The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry on Netflix. It was pretty great.


    We just watched Nim’s Island and thought it was really well done and entertaining for the whole family.


    I know they are old, but do you watch Veggie Tales? They always have funny things in there that crack my husband and I up. And, of course, they have a good message.


    Love the Veggie Tales! I think they are so funny! What is strange is that they always say they are for young kids 4,5,6! My kids really disliked them at that age..they just didn’t get the jokes. Now, they love them! My boys soon be 8 and 10!! That seems old for them to most people but they really understand the jokes and the meaning behind them now!

    Jonathan Sperry is AWESOME! 🙂


    Just a comment re. Veggie Tales worthy to ponder. I have two friends who allowed their kids to view Veggie Tales a bit when they were young. Both sets of children commented that they wished they’d not seen those movies because they continued to picture real-life Bible men and women as talking veggies as they grew. Now these are responsible, Christ following young men and women, but I found it interesting that they had this comment. 

    We also liked Jonathan Sperry!

    Babe is one of our favorites, but I think some sheep die, so it might be too intense.

    So Dear To My Heart is an old Disney that we LOVE!!!  There is no violence, and it is so sweet and fun 🙂

    I know some would consider this twaddly, but we love Blue’s Big Musical Movie.  There is a section of it where Ray Charles teaches Steve about the G clef, rhythm, and other musical principles.  It’s really fun and cute!

    Milo and Otis is another oldie but goodie around here.  I’m pretty sure no one dies, but some kittens are born!  This movie always makes me laugh 🙂

    Oh, and THE best kids tv show ever is Kipper!!!!  If you haven’t seen it, you have to try it!!  We just love his escapades LOL.



    I haven’t read the other posts, so sorry if I repeat some.

    An extremely underrated Disney movie is “So Dear To My Heart.” It’s about a boy who raises a black lamb and wants to take him to the county fair. My kids (and I) love it, and it has some catchy music. It is half live action, half cartoon (sort of like Song of the South). His grandmother has some great lines about how he’s too caught up in the things of the world rather than the things of the Spirit. And Burl Ives plays his songster uncle.

    “Benji” is painful for parents, but kids like it. A stray dog goes about his business, falls in love, saves some children from kidnappers looking for a ransom, and becomes their family pet.

    “Milo and Otis” was recommended – I do not recommend it because multiple animals died during the filming, and I can’t watch it knowing that. And now, neither can you. 🙂

    “Ponyo”, “The Secret World of Arietty”, and “My Neighbor Totoro” are all very gentle and sweet animated movies. They are from Japan, but Disney did the dubbing, so it’s very good. Ponyo is loosely based on the Little Mermaid, but it is 5-year-old children rather than adults. A little fish becomes a girl so she can live with the little boy who kept her in a bucket. The Secret World of Arietty is based on the Borrowers books. My Neighbor Totoro is about two young sisters who move to the country to be closer to the hospital where their mother is staying. They meet the Totoro – the magical king of the forest (apparently, it’s a Japanese myth that most children are familiar with).

    Don’t forget Shirley Temple movies. 

    The BBC version of “The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe” is very good. The battle scenes are not scary, even for a child, and the script remains very loyal to the books. Unlike the Disney version. There is also a 1970s cartoon version that isn’t bad.

    Danny Kaye in “Merry Andrew” is absolutely delightful. I love all the Danny Kaye movies, actually. “The Court Jester”, “On the Double”, etc. 

    You can get old Reading Rainbow episodes on DVD these days. We like to watch those.


    My girls refuse to watch Milo and Otis due to the bear being scary even though they now know that he doesn’t get or hurt the kitten.  I figured they’d outgrow it and like it as they grew but they are 9 and 7 and still refuse to see it.

    Snowball Express is an oldie and a goodie.  Both my girls enjoy that one.

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