Four quarter schedule and handbook

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  • junkybird

    I am pretty new to all this and have been making my way through the Planner and adding in a bit on the Organizer a little at a time.  I got to the section last night where you plan your year.  Well, what I want to try this year (only my second year) is basically the quarter system.  Nine weeks on and 4 weeks off.  That would give us off October, December, March and June. I want to start July 5th.

    I guess my question is this:  I am using the Module 1 handbook.  Are the ‘terms’ in the handbook meant to be completed without interruptions?  With the way I want to do it I will be getting in 9 of the 12 weeks in ‘Term 1’ and then stopping for 4 weeks, going back to finish up the last 3 weeks of ‘Term 1’ and then starting ‘Term 2’  So, no outlined 12 weeks in the handbook will ever be completed without stopping.  Has anybody ever done this?  Will this be hard on a 1st grader?  It looks like it will only be different books for the history part of the handbook.  In all honesty, I think I am over analyzing this and making it harder than it needs to be.Undecided



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