For the long haul

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  • Cindie2dds

    Hi Ladies,

    Through several recent events, I’ve come across people in my life telling me it will be necessary for my girls to enter “the real world” before college.  If I didn’t put them in school before then I would be doing them a great disservice.

    My husband and I both feel that we are supposed to homeschool our girls through high school, is there any one else out there in it for the long haul too?  I know God is leading us, which should be plenty of comfort; but when you have so many people around you telling you what you are planning is wrong and not good for your children, I have gotten a little nervous.

    I guess I just need some spiritual hugs.  Smile

    Thanks for listening!

    ETA:  Most of them are homeschool moms I interact with on a regular basis. Cry

    I want to homeschool as long as God leads me too.  I think you have it perfectly right.  Follow God’s leading.  Sometimes when we follow Jesus we suffer persecution, sadly even from other Christians.  You are always doing what is good for your children when you pray and follow God’s directions.


    Doug Smith

    Two of our children have gone all the way through graduation and we have two more in high school. I know there are many others here too so you’re not alone.

    You might enjoy one of our past discussions here on the forum: Homeschooling Q&A: What about socialization?


    Thanks for the reminder of Christ!  For some reason I feel safe around other Christians, so it shocked me when it shouldn’t.  That link is great, Doug.


    We homeschooled my now 19yo through high school.  In many ways those are the most important years because they are so vulnerable to peer pressure and conflicting world views.  We used those years to strategically teach world views, looking at history and current events to help him discern the culture around him.  That is done not by sheltering them, nor by throwing them to the wolves, but by coming alongside and discipiling them while looking honestly into the dark places while pointing them to the light.  (Not to sound overly philosophical… Laughing)


    We are in it for the long haul!  When people speak of socialization, I kinda chuckle on the inside, because my kids are super social!  Sure, they only interact with other peers about 8 hours total/week, but they are together every day.  Better yet, my kids know how to communicate with people of all ages!  The kids we know that spend 8 hours + everyday with peers are not the most interesting people to talk too and stuff… know………so like whatever.  Wink

    The BIG reason we are homeschooling through high school is to guard their hearts and minds.  8 hours + in a place that has no room for God is NOT where I want my children.   If we want them to be salt and light, we can’t send them to places that wash off the salt and forbid the light.  They are just too vaulnerable in these years.  I would feel like I was telling them to go play in the pig pen, but don’t get dirty.

    OK… soapbox.



    Thank you, Robin.  These were our thoughts too.  I want to be here to disciple them, love them, guide them, give them a safe place to discuss important and sensitive issues, and to prepare them before sending them out.   It doesn’t sound overly philosophical to me.


    “If we want them to be salt and light, we can’t send them to places that wash off the salt and forbid the light.”  Well put, Heather.  Thank you. 


    We are in it for the long haul too. We have met some criticism, but I just tell people that we’re obeying God’s call to homeschool through high school. I also tell people that homeschooling isn’t for everyone, and that you really do have to hear God’s direction if you’re even thinking about it.

    Most people’s response is, “Well, you’re a better mother than I am. There’s no way I could put up with my kids that long.” I just smile, and tell them, “It’s not that I’m a better mother, and sometimes my kids do drive me nuts. But God told us to homeschool through high school, so that’s what we’re going to do. We couldn’t do it without His help either.”

    Sometimes they roll their eyes; sometimes they shake their heads; sometimes they agree. My motto for a long time before homeschooling was Galatians 1:10, “For if I were still a pleaser of man, I would not be a bond servant of  Christ.” I’m glad I learned that verse before hsing! It’s stuck with me through all the criticisms and eye rolls.

    I can’t please everyone, and I’m certainly not going to try to meet others’ expectations if those expectations go against God’s plan for our family. 


    My version says:  Galatians 1:10  “Obviously, I’m not trying to win the approval of people, but of God.  If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ’s servant.”


    Thank you, Lindsey.  This is a gift I will hide in my heart.


    We are also in ti for the the Long Haul.  Why.. cause that’s what God is leading us to do.  I agree with one mentioned above, why would I put them in a school in high school.. peer pressure, etc.   I know how hard and terrible high school was.  When my kids leave my home I want them to leave with there self esteem and personality still in check and attached to God.  misty


    You don’t have to put your head in a trash can to know what trash is! We can prepare our children for the “real world” without putting them in harmful situations. I have also heard someone say, “I would not put my child in the lion’s den until he is a Daniel.” I agree! We must first give our children a firm foundation of Bible truth before we can expect them to stand fast in their faith! They cannot let their Christian lights shine if they are not yet Christians. ( I am speaking of the young years, of course.)

    Then, as they get older, they can become stronger and more ready to deal with “the world” in college. 



    I have said before that I have a senior, and everyone that has ever met him is very impressed with how he handles himself in social situations. He tells me that he had no clue socially til he was 12 and started to go to youth activities at church. But he sure came out alright.

    My sister and I were laughing at a bumper sticker the other day: “Caution, unsocialized homeschoolers aboard”. I said as far as I can tell, kids that go to public school don’t necessarily act better. Kids are who they are, but school shouldn’t be the place that determines how they are taught to be who they are. The school doesn’t know who the Lord and I want my kids to be. And what’s worse-they couldn’t care less.

    I hope you don’t worry about what these people are saying. I’m sad that they are homeschooling moms. Have they been to high school? That is definitely NOT the “real world”!


    We are in it for the long haul!


    Thanks again for the encouraging words, Ladies!  I am so grateful to have you all to walk through this journey with!

    Blessings to you all!

    ETA:  Sorry to keep lumping you in with the Ladies, Doug.  Your advice has been invaluable, too!  I guess you are used to it by now, though, huh?  Smile

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