Folk Song/Singing

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  • abbynellie

    Can you add the songs you are learning each term to the CM organizer? If so, how? Thank you!

    Jordan Smith

    Sure. There are a couple ways that you can do it.

    1. If you know the titles of the songs you’re planning to learn and the order you want to do them, you can just make a new resource called “Folk Songs” and add a division for each song.

    2. If you don’t know the titles yet or the order, you can make a resource called “Folk Songs” with enough divisions for the songs you want to learn, but leave the division titles blank. As you learn songs, you can mark off each division and add a note with the song title. (For a video demonstration of how this works, look at our Special Resources video.)

    3. For entering all the songs at the end of the term, you could add a resource called “Folk Songs” with no divisions, then use the notes feature to record each song you learned.


    Thank you so much! While I was reading this, I was thinking “why didn’t I think of that!!”. Thanks for the options! This helps greatly.

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